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Everything posted by Kon

  1. Quick look at Orion this morning; majestic nebulosity as always. The highlight was while I was imaging ISS it 'flew above' Mars; still too far to have both in the same frame. Not a bad way to start the day. I will be posting my ISS images in the imaging section later today but a quick snapshot below while on the train to work.
  2. I am glad it's not just me seeing that. Keep us posted if you hear anything back from the BAA.
  3. The images from @geoflewisseem to have it as well but more subtle; less colour saturation than yours. In my eyes it makes that area uneven, as if it is popping upwards a bit.
  4. Interesting observation. The IR clears any doubts. Let's see how it develops over the next few days/weeks.
  5. Gimp has a function to convert to gif or you could add the images in PIPP and make the gif there.
  6. Nice captures. Second one for me as well.
  7. Thanks Nik. I have been terrible in observing the planets this year as I am doing quite a bit of imaging. I should try some visual in parallel. Like you said, opposition will give us plenty of opportunities, weather permitting 🌧️.
  8. Thanks Stuart. Quite happy with the result.
  9. Mars from the 25th and 30th October. 8" Dob, manual, asi462mc, 2.5x TV powermate, UV/IR cut filter. PIPP, Autostakert, Registax for wavelets, Astrosurface for sharpening and Gimp to clean the edge rind. .
  10. The animation has an almost like 3d effect on the volcanos. Great job!
  11. Thank you both. It's getting easier to process it now.
  12. Very nice. The details on the 125% are much sharper. The polar cap is great as well.
  13. Very nice details. I am surprised you got that good capture considering the seeing last night.
  14. Excellent images! It seems the third image had the best seeing of the night.
  15. Great images! Can you post in English next time please?
  16. I always wanted to try capture Mars with Olympus Mons and tonight I succeeded (unfortunately if I have to wait for Mars to be high in the sky I would miss it). That was around 1030 UTC. 8" Dob, manual, asi462mc, 2.5x TV powermate. Resized 120%.
  17. I managed to shoot Jupiter with GRS despite the high winds. Seeing was ok at 10pm but it started boiling by 11 or so. Possibly jestream or air currents? 8" Dob, manual, asi462mc, 2.5x TV powermate.
  18. Thanks Neil. No you are not getting annoying at all and happy to be given different ideas and suggestions. I love hunting nebulas using a star map and the excitement of finding them so the goto is not what I would want; I suppose I could have it on manual mode but I am thinking of a 12" or bigger to see the benefit over my 8". Like you said, I am still finding my feet on this whole planetary imaging and I am really enjoying it, and I will see what would work the best. I am only in the hobby for 2 years now so a lot of things to do and research. Ps : happy to move the chat off your post so I don't hijack it.
  19. I completely understand that you want to get the best out of me on planetary imaging, but I really love the simplicity of the Dob; the reason I didn't go for an EQ mount. I have it set in my sitting room and it's the case of lifting it out as a single piece and start observing soon after cooling, (I do love my nebulas). I want to go much larger for visual and trying to work out the logistics of setting up and moving it around.
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