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Everything posted by Kon

  1. Mine is in the post so it is waiting time 😀. Thanks Lee. I did not want to hijack your post on the filter. Like Geof, I also have the 462mc. So we are talking very low fps, close to what i am getting for Neptune (30fps) so it will be even lower. Thanks for the tip on the dark frame. How do you go by focusing, I assume it is a fairly dark image and you rely on the GRS showing as white?
  2. Thanks Geoff. I will send you a private message later today to ask a few questions on capture settings and processing methane data, if that's ok.
  3. I hope just a routine dentist appointment and not being in pain. It was awful with jet stream over us last night, but the night before it was nice despite the wind. I hope you manage to get out soon.
  4. Nice set of images and always nice to be under the night skies.
  5. Some nice details coming through the IR filter. I take it the colour was suffering from the jet stream? How was your CH4 on Jupiter? I just ordered a cheap set to try. I might have to borrow your brains on how to go with imaging and processing with the methane filter.
  6. Thanks. Did you make it out last night?
  7. Thanks Neil. Yes very exciting time the next few weeks. I just got back in, Jupiter was 'boiling'. I think jet stream is on full blown at the moment. It's meant to be over us tomorrow morning but I have predicted rain.
  8. Tonight is windy too but I have not been out yet to check the seeing. Nope just the standard focuser that came with the Dob.
  9. Thanks. I was surprised how stable the seeing was. I had to reject a lot of frames in Autostakert. It's getting bigger and easier to process.
  10. Thanks. We never seem to have good seeing without something else going on.
  11. Incredible image from a mobile! Nice capture and processing. Best I have seen on CSS apart from guys that track with mounts, planetary camera and specialised software.
  12. Thanks John. I am very pleased with the details that came out despite the windy conditions. I resized in Astrosurface.
  13. Thanks Mark. Yes through the 200P and manual tracking. Kostas
  14. Mars under similar windy conditions as my Jupiter post. The two Mars images were taken 40 minutes apart. Resized 120%.
  15. High winds last night but with pretty good seeing. My dob was vibrating and the planets were all jumpy. Despite this, I managed a pretty decent Jupiter capture. 8" Dob, manual, asi462mc, 2.5x TV powermate.
  16. I saw the same in your image as @astrolulupointed, but as you posted it. It's mostly in the main plateau and some of the greyish areas outside. As you say it could be small cratelets or shadows.
  17. First two stunning. Last two, not your usual natural appearance; they seem quite noisy with quite a bit of artefact.
  18. RGB balance in registax, next steps in Astrosurface: mild sharpening with noise reduction, colour noise reduction and increased saturation.
  19. Looking good with some nice details. I like the second one, looks more natural. I hope you do not mind, I had a quick play with RGB balance and a touch of sharpening. You may want to ask the mods to move it in the imaging section as you can get more feedback.
  20. Great Saturn. It puts my attempts with a planetary camera to shame. Jupiter is not overprocessed either.
  21. Excellent image, hard to believe it is from low UK skies.
  22. It was during the pandemic that I got my first telescope and you are right that it brings calmness and sanity. It's the reason I love the visual aspect as well, just me and the eyepiece, no technology. Picking planetary imaging, I have neglected lunar over the summer, has brought a new dimension to the hobby. SGL has also been great with constructive criticism, never nasty, and tips. So many great people with similar interests. Yes weather is pants these days but we can only hope.
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