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Everything posted by Kon

  1. Still a lot to learn as I go along this journey. I appreciate your advise based on my current limitations but also your gentle push on how to improve by small equipment changes/upgrades.
  2. There were a lot of good images; I am speechless and very honoured to be inbetween Geof an Neil. I really want to thank Neil for the tremendous support and advice on my processing since I started this year.
  3. A 15mm BST might sit nicer than the 12mm between your current EPs. Worth also looking for an EP in the 20-25mm (I would not recommend the BST, i had it and it was not sharp at the edges). I had the 15mm and it was great. these two ranges were my most used ones (mostly nebula observing). For your £100 budget you should be able to get the two eyepieces to fill the gaps. Stellalyra and Nirvana have good reviews. It also depends what you enjoy viewing. If your 8mm is a BST it barlows well for higher planetary or moon magnification. Try find the posts from @Louis D on eyepieces. You cannot go wrong with his suggestions.
  4. Excellent images! So many details.
  5. Stunning images and details. The colour ones do have a 3D feeling to them, I love them. Your second to last monochrome has captured the rilles and rays (if that's the correct terminology for the shallower channels) excellently!
  6. Excellent images if that's your first attempt. Some very nice details. For the ring you could select and fill it with same background colour.
  7. I read your initial 2x6 min as 6 captures of 2min. Sorry. The new images look much better despite the edge rind.
  8. The weather is not on our side at the moment. Is there a reason you don't shoot longer videos? With Mars my understanding is that we can go to 5min? This is what I have been doing. I should try some multiple videos and derotate (my attempts with Jupiter were not very pleasing but you seem to have master it). I was thinking the second IR looked softer but like you said it was weather dependent.
  9. Excellent images with really nice details coming through. The N polar cap is excellent.
  10. Great image Neil, lots of nice details. You seem to have gotten the better weather last night.
  11. Thanks Neil. I wish the weather was more cooperative. You seem to have had some better seeing from your earlier thread on sampling (excellent read and a lot fo information to digest by the way).
  12. Marginally better weather than the night before (Jupiter was no go, being all fuzzy). Mars is getting bigger and easier to process. I think some details are popping through without pushing the wavelets too much, quite pleased with this image. 8" Dob, manual, asi462mc, 2.5x TV powermate, UV/IR cut filter.
  13. Thanks Geof. I think I am getting more critical as I go along with imaging the planets. Yes there are some details but not very sharp.
  14. Not the best conditions tonight with jet stream, wind and passing clouds. Some details are trying to come through. 8" Dob, manual, asi462mc, 2.5x TV powermate. Resized 120%.
  15. It shows that even under so and so conditions its worth capturing some videos. I ave never seen that on my planets but on and off with my ISS captures (not sure why).
  16. Very nice Mars. Nicely processed.
  17. Nice images and excellent animation.
  18. Fantastic set of images, so natural looking without being pushed too much. Nice comparison on sampling. As I am still getting my head around things, is resample just a resize? What is usually a good resize? I usually try 120 or 150 if I feel it's a nice capture.
  19. Great Mars with nice details.
  20. Still an excellent capture. Thanks for the info on the star, quite a bright one.
  21. Great images. Is that Uranus at 7 o'clock? I think it was visible during the eclipse.
  22. Ooops I misread the date !!! Feeling a bit embarrassed!🤪
  23. I was all clouded out to be see the event. I think you need to give your hygienist a list of upcoming celestial events to avoid booking you in 🤣.
  24. Lee do you also aim for a histogram of 70-90%?
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