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Everything posted by Adam1234

  1. I don't have a car, but I think I know what you mean
  2. Very beautiful image. I can see why it's called the Lion Nebula!
  3. Dec clutch is definitely locked, so it's probably another cause. What do you mean by 'low volts under load'? Contacting the previous owner probably won't be much use as they never used it - they got it as a gift but wasn't interested in astronomy. Is there a way I can identify what the cause is? I have found a place near to me in Clanfield that does telescope repairs so I can contact them, probably not a good idea for me to tinker around with it as I don't know much about electronics.
  4. Rechargable batteries is a good idea. I didn't think the synscan would work but thought I'd check just in case! Now to try to get the declination motor working...
  5. Thanks! The guy I bought it off put in new batteries so will use those for the time being. Just been having a play around with it indoors, getting used to the hand controller menus etc. I'm not sure the declination motor is working? The RA motor is working fine, it moves when I press the left/right arrows, but the dec axis is not moving at all when I press up/down and if I go into the align menus and pretend to do a star alignment, it moves on the RA axis and then comes up with a motor drive failure?
  6. Hi All, looking for some advice, hopefully someone can help. I've just bought a second hand Meade LXD75 as I wanted to upgrade to an Eq mount. It's a few years old but never been used as it was an unwanted Christmas present. The setup comes with the Meade Autostar hand controller and a battery pack which uses 8 D-type batteries to power the mount. Would it be safe to use my Synscan hand controller and Celestron powertank that I use with my Skywatcher Dob instead of the supplied hand controller and battery pack or do I have to use these? I don't find the hand controller as intuitive as the Synscan and I don't want to keep buying batteries, but I also don't want to use the wrong equipment in case I mess up the electronics in the mount! Thanks in advance Adam
  7. For me its got to be when your commited to something else and there's a clear sky.
  8. Morning and Merry Christmas to all!. Glad I'm not the only one either! My fiance got me this for Christmas - voucher for stargazing and astrophotography at Dark Sky Wales. I couldn't think of a better present (well perhaps maybe a telescope on an equatorial mount, but hey we can't have it all 🤣, I'll have to save up for one or find one 2nd hand)
  9. I took advantage of a momentary gap in the clouds to take a few pictures of Orion the other night and Venus this evening. Taken with my Canon EOS 2000D with EFS 18-55mm lens on tripod. All images are a single exposure. These 2 of Orion are 10s exposures @ f3.5 ISO1600, with small curve adjustments in photoshop to darken the sky slightly. This one of Venus is 1s exposure @ f5.6 and ISO1600 Not amazing images but I thought I would share anyway.
  10. Hope you have a great time in Iceland and hope you get some better views of the Aurora than I did.
  11. Lovely colours in both. I prefer the first one too, looks slightly more natural, although both are equally amazing
  12. Lovely images, nice to see a bit of colour, really brings out those darker areas.
  13. I took some photos of the moon the other night when we actually had a clear sky. Some of the pictures I stacked 10 - 20 with Autostakkert (first time using it) and some levels adjustment on photoshop.
  14. Thanks Mark, glad you like it, I appreciate the feedback! I save my stacked images in DSS as 16 bit, but I'll have a look on my canera and see if I can shoot at a higher bit. Hopefully get round to putting the original m31 subs on dropbox tonight or tomorrow
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