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Everything posted by Altocumulus

  1. Ca-K AS3, 15 from 201 frames Impgg Luminar3 WO 102, Lunt Ca-K module, Altair 178. Need to sort out a more sensible way to decide if the prominences are 'real' or artifacts....
  2. Brilliant! Spent an exasperating morning, then gave up, as everything that could go wrong did.....Might have missed my chance for the rest of this week if the forecast turns out correct....
  3. Superb. It was too damn cloudy here. Wednesday's looking to be a better day - but I'll be it's all over.....
  4. Ah Answered my own question. Darksky taken over by Apple. Android App discontinued.
  5. Sadly it's not doing very well today! I'm green across the board with most hours showing zero or small quantities of cloud. Unfortunately we've had 7/8-8/8 thickish AS / CI / CS - it's bright rather than sunny.
  6. If it's Solar work, it doesn't need to be triplet quality. Why not just stick with your 102 and use that? I have a 102 for white and calcium and, if I didn't have a Lunt LS, I'd still be tempted to add a Quark.
  7. Brilliant! I'll pop over to your tutorial later......
  8. Reference the above....How far is yours out in the focusing tube? Lunt suggests around 1 inch - Does anyone concur - and is there an easy way to check how far it should be I don't seem to see much difference between 3/4" and 1" - Blue skies yesterday morning and through the turbulence I was struggling to focus adequately.
  9. Pfft, what's $$ - you can only spend it once, and you can't take it with you We, here in the UK / EU, seem to pay at least double what the Lunt price is...
  10. You did a cracker of a job if that was your RAW example!
  11. The 60mm is a relatively recent add-on.
  12. ...and it's now pouring down! Och weel.....
  13. At least you got something! Nice fly-away prom.... There's an AR lurking just below the equator on the eastern limb. No doubt by the time cloud breaks it'll have fizzled out, or exploded
  14. Richard, they are on back-order at Lunt Solar in the US - have you considered the possibility of getting one shipped from them - or at least investigated how quickly they can ship? Faye or Jennifer are usually quick to respond - though these aren't normal times as we know!
  15. There is a 60mm filter... https://luntsolarsystems.com/shop/solar-products/hydrogen-alpha/double-stack-filters/lunt-ls60fha-h-alpha-filter/
  16. As far as I ken, you can add a second etalon to an existing single stacked 'scope - front mounted. Have you checked whether Bresser.de have any stock? They're the Lunt reps in Europe and I know most if not all the UK stores fulfil their orders from them.
  17. Brilliant. Definitely keepers there. "I swear officer, I only wanted a slice of cheese......"
  18. Now that one I like .... ^^^^^
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