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Everything posted by banjaxed

  1. Sometimes just looking at the sky without a telescope or binoculars is very satisfying, glad you had a great holiday.
  2. banjaxed

    I'm New Here

    Hi and welcome to SGL
  3. banjaxed


    Hi Trevor, welcome to SGL.
  4. banjaxed

    I'm New Here

    Hi and welcome to SGL.
  5. Many thanks for all your replies it has certainly made things much clearer, I am going to try a 40mm plossl and see how it goes.
  6. With the exception of the 16 mm ( 82 ) and the 20 mm ( 68 ) the rest are just normal plossles which I assume are around the 50 mark.
  7. My eyepiece collection is 4,8,12.16,20,27 and 32mm
  8. As it has to be transportable I usually take my ST 120 or the 127mak.
  9. Maybe I am looking at this wrong as my collection of eyepieces range from 4mm to 32 mm I thought a lower magnification would give me a wider view.
  10. The skies are Bortle 5 where I live but my daughter lives in Ireland and the skies are amazing as there are no street lights. We visit several times a year normally 🙄 so I am planning for the times we are able to visit again.
  11. Louis D. Thank you both for your input, it has helped me to understand what I should be looking for.
  12. I am looking to add a lower magnification eyepiece to my collection and have been looking at the 40/50mm range. Is it not as important to have a wider fov on this size of eyepiece as it is on the higher magnification ones as most seem to be in the 50/60 fov range ?
  13. banjaxed

    Hello stargazers

    Hi and welcome to SGL.
  14. banjaxed


    Hi Scott, welcome to SGL. I can’t make out any words but then we all hear things differently.
  15. The supplied 10mm eyepiece is not very good so a better make of 6, 8 or 10 mm eyepiece will give much better views. In my 8” Dob Jupiter is the size of a pea and the smaller it is the clearer the image.
  16. From my own experience I found the 3.2mm too powerful for planets as it is difficult to track at that magnification. My personal choice is 8 or 12 mm.
  17. I have the Mak 127 on an EQ3-2 Mount but upgraded to a stainless steel tripod which is very stable. As observing is my preference the slow motion controls are more than adequate for me.
  18. Not had any experience with those eyepieces but for a little bit more outlay you could get a BST Starguider which are excellent eyepieces and highly thought of by a lot of our members.
  19. Alternatively you could buy a tube ring and fit a finder shoe bracket to it.
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