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Everything posted by banjaxed

  1. Hi and welcome to SGL.
  2. My first scope was the 200P and I wouldn’t part with it as it has given me some wonderful views. If you are on flat ground a platform trolley will make it very easy to wheel out and be ready to view in a minute or two. I also have the ST 120 on a AZ5 Mount with the stainless steel tripod which is just about manageable for me to carry but I usually take the mount and the scope out separately as I am the wrong side of 70 and can’t risk getting a hernia 😀
  3. I have not had many opportunities to use my Starsense but when I have it has been a pleasant experience. If you can stop your daughter from touching the scope then fitting a focuser motor will stop the wobble.
  4. When are you going to fit the armrests ? 😀
  5. banjaxed

    Hello all

    Hi and welcome to SGL.
  6. Hi Geoff, If anyone is waiting for a reply it is ok to continue the conversation with you without breaking any rules as explained in a recent moderators post.
  7. Hi Dave, welcome to SGL.
  8. I agree, even if your mount is not very stable the motor focuser makes a world of difference to stability.
  9. https://in-the-sky.org/indexes This app is excellent for planet info plus lots more.
  10. I converted my Skywatcher motor focuser to run off a 12v battery but it was a bit slow for me and not being able to use manual focus was a bit frustrating. My solution was to build my own motor focuser that uses a toothed drive belt that you can slide on and off the drive cog in a couple of seconds giving the advantage of both manual and motor focus.
  11. The person who has never made a mistake has not yet been born 😀
  12. banjaxed


    Hi Paul, welcome to SGL.
  13. Hi Phil, welcome to SGL. I think it must me in astronomers blood to tinker with our gear.
  14. Hi Elena, welcome to SGL, hope you enjoy.
  15. John is absolutely correct about the AZ5 with the stainless steel tripod, I tried it with a scope weighing about 6 kg and it did not perform very well. I would suggest that 5 kg would be the maximum load.
  16. I have only ever cleaned one that I accidentally touched with my finger, the rest are fine as I make sure to replace the caps every time after using.
  17. As Mark said, every time you buy new kit it guarantees at least 2 weeks of cloudy skies 🙄
  18. Why not dream about all the dark skies that are coming your way 🤔
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