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Nigella Bryant

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Everything posted by Nigella Bryant

  1. Lovely captures, thanks for sharing.
  2. I couldn't get a chance to see it today unfortunately. Thanks for sharing the info.
  3. Haven't had time to process mine yet, lol. Life in the way, lol. Thry were dynamic.
  4. Scopes used were Lunt 60mm DS and 100mm Cak Achromatic. False colour added in PS CS2.
  5. Unfortunately my solarquest mount only took the one scope so I've moved everything onto the neq6 mount which was in the dome. So yes, it's all being done in the dome for now. No night time I'm afraid. I'm planning on replacing the mount in the dome in the autumn for the C11 and the 12inch newt and go back into the solar RoR in the autumn with the neq6 mount. Then night time viewing will commence in the dome.
  6. Hi Jeremy, the problem visually will be quite a significant decrease in light visually. It'd be ok imaging as you can adjust the settings. Of course I'd say go for a double stacked 60mm, without question, lol 🤣🤣🤣
  7. That's the trouble, it's an expensive slippery slope into hydrogen alpha and Calcium K-line. However, all my equipment is second hand apart from the Lunt CaK module and a recent 100mm achromatic for CaK.
  8. Just remembered if you've just got the 1 1/4 eyepiece holder the focuser is considerably more extended. I've replaced it with the 2inch as in the pic.
  9. My solar scopes are the most used scopes that I have.
  10. Hi all, lovely imaging session yesterday 15th April. New Active region also on the South Eastern limb. Lunt 60mm DS and 100mm CaK scopes with Zwo Asi 178mm Camera.
  11. Hi, for my lunt 60mm b1200 and zwo asi camera the focuser is only just out about 3 notches on the focus tube. Probably about 5mm.
  12. Nice captures, thanks for sharing.
  13. I often pick up proms in Calcium K-line using the Lunt b1800 module and the 100mm achromatic stopped down to 90mm Luke.
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