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Nigella Bryant

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Everything posted by Nigella Bryant

  1. Thanks Michael, it's a new learning curve from HA.
  2. 70mm Stellaview AC, Lunt B1800 Ca-K module and Zwo ASI 178mm. False colour added in Photoshop CS2. Terrible seeing and taken through clouds to test the module which came yesterday.
  3. Hi all. I was a bit apprehensive ordering from Astroshop eu because of Brexit but it was to be frank the cheapest place for a Lunt CA-K module. So I pressed the button and arrived a week later. Lot's of communication and tracking day by day. It was a breeze and arrived with no extra import duties or vat. Great service from Astroshop eu. Many thanks.
  4. Really excited my Lunt b1800 Ca-K module arrived today. Lovely solid piece of equipment even if it's expensive.
  5. Hi all. I was a bit apprehensive ordering a TS 360° m90 rotator so I can more easy clock my Lunt 60mm solar scope but it was a breeze and arrived with no extra import duties or vat. Great service from Telescope Service.
  6. I think a little less exposure, the original is over saturated. Focusing can be difficult but if you get the exposure right focus on the limb until it is sharp.
  7. I lowered the contrast, adjusted the clarity and saturation.
  8. Yep you definitely have it. I just tweaked your image a bit. Hope you don't mind.
  9. I actually disagree entirely with your comment. My Lunt 60mm double stack is excellent. In fact certain people have commented that I have indeed an excellent example when I asked a question about triple stacking as I consistently get good contrast and surface features with it. I agree that it is hit and miss with etchalons but just because you had bad luck doesn't mean every Lunt is the same.
  10. £10 for a year's subscription for Sharpcap come on people I can spend that on a bottle of wine, lol 🤣
  11. You're getting there. Incidentally I use Sharpcap as do others in acquiring solar imaging. Can be imaged in AVI and .ser format. Personally I prefer Sharpcap to Firecapture but it's up to individual taste. I solely use ImPPG for sharpening, etc.
  12. Can't wait for my Lunt b1800 Cak module to arrive, really excited, lol.
  13. Looking good. You'd be better using lucky imaging with AVI. Yes, stack size down to 8%. I always use a 40% stack for whole disk of a 1000 frame AVI and 20% stack for regions of interest from a file size of 5000. Use the 200 grid though. That's what I do. I guess it's what works for you and others may tweak differently.
  14. Try it by unclicking the double stack option. Unclick sharpen option. I never use that. I use ImPPG for sharpening after stacking.
  15. 2inch Hershal wedge can be used up to 150mm refractors but 1 1/4;inch only up to 100mm refractors. I use a 2ich Lunt but changed the ND3 filter for a ND 1.8 so use the baader k-line filter. Obviously this then becomes just an imaging wedge. Only with the ND3 should be used to observe and even then with a polarization filter too. I think there's not much between Hershal wedge's and you pay your price and model you decide upon.
  16. Lovely star with the quark. Looks like you got one that works straight out of the box. Welcome to the bright side.
  17. I have several large trees around me but I too love to hear the owls hooting. Only this morning there was one hooting in the back garden tree as I was letting my cat's out. Hope there's not a connection, lol.
  18. I love my Lunt 60mm double stack. I bought mine second hand and it's ten years old. I did do some servicing on it though, changed the blue blocking filter for a new one and new O'rings on the pressure tuner. Probably didn't need it but at ten years old I thought I'd service it. That's really the only thing to need renewing second hand. Parts were free from Lunt. Great service. Just added some images taken with my scope to show what's expected. The only other thing to go wrong is a detached etalon which is an expensive repair, but that might only occur because of missuse.
  19. Hi, I try not to use the gain for full disk as it becomes more grainy and 18 frames per second. I use around 150 gain and 70 Frames per second on region of interest in sharpcap. I use planetary mode in stacking in Autostakker3 for full disk and surface for closeups. Hope that helps.
  20. Something I used to do in my teens, was wonderful to do. Thanks for sharing.
  21. I Autostakker3 for stacking and ImPPG for sharpening. I use a Lunt 60mm DS but a Zwo ASI 178mm mono camera.
  22. I too saw that and did some imaging but not processed them yet. There was a lovely large prom near the new AR.
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