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Nigella Bryant

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Everything posted by Nigella Bryant

  1. Hi all, images from todays session. Lunt 60mm and 100mm CaK scopes.
  2. Lunt 60mm plus 2.5x powermate and 100mm plus b1800 CaK module and 2.5x powermate.
  3. Really pushed to scope to much today, seeing wasn't great but I did use the 2.5x powermate on the Lunt 60mm and 100mm Cak.
  4. Just processed the Eiffel Tower or is it Blackpool? Interesting difference between CaK (Blue/Purple) and HA (Red).
  5. Yes, at one point I thought it looked like the Eiffel tower. Lovely spot group too. Just a few pics with phone of screen.
  6. Lovely Lunt wedge, I've got the same for white light.
  7. Thankfully they aligned ok. Really love the way it's gone and never used telescope's so much. So easy now being in the dome. A couple of clicks of the mouse and they're pointing at the sun. Means I can observe when there's a small break in the clouds.
  8. Show's everyone once bitten by the solar bug that's it, lol. Watch the bank account dwindle, lol. Mine has evolved too, lol. From little beginnings to full blown, Hydrogen Alpha, CaK and White light. Next is to triple mount them all, lol.
  9. Sun in white light is rather quiet at the moment. Hopefully activity will ramp up soon. At least we're on our way to solar max in a few years so can only get better. A solar continuum or badder cak line, baader cak only for imaging, both filters help. I have a white light filter on my 11xlt and best observing in the morning or late afternoon. Baader filter image with 70mm refractor attached.
  10. Not night time but my new solar Ca-K frac with little brother ha scope
  11. Fitting it with the hitecastro usb control means it can be very fast or slow and everything in between.
  12. Fitting was fairly easy but had to drill centre hole and extend it with a bolt to attach the motor. All working with the usb unit.
  13. This is what I'm seeing using the zwo camera.
  14. Probably not sturdy enough but thanks for the thought.
  15. I use a badder cak filter which is really white light and granulation is easy to see but it's only used for imaging. To broad a band range for calcium k line.
  16. Clouded out here forecast not good for me till the weekend, I blame myself for buying a new telescope, 🤣
  17. Thanks peps, I was thinking side by side with one in the centre. I align my double scopes with one currently in guiding rings the other in the clamp. I guess two scopes could be in guide rings and the other clamped directly. Pic added.
  18. You'd definitely need an erf if over 80mm. On the plus side you don't need expensive ed or triplet scopes. Achromatic scopes are fine. I use achromatic scopes albeit for cak. Essentially you're observing/imaging in one wave length and mono. I've used a cheap £100 pound 70mm achromatic for solar and have recently bought a cheap 100mm achromatic. I use an 80ed for White light with Hershel wedge.
  19. Hi all, what's the best way to stack my three solar scopes on my neq6 mount. I've seen a triple dovetail bar running at £400. Can I buy a long losmandy dovetail bar and fit vixen clamps to that? Each scope runs at 4kg so weight for the neq6 won't be an issue at 20kg. I'd probably be running at 14kg with three zwo camera's. Currently I'm running two scopes on a double dovetail bar. It's all mounted on a concrete piller so is very stable. Thanks for looking.
  20. Solar filters need to be secured to any objective lens be that binoculars or bino. You can easily boil your eyeballs. Elastic bands can easily flip off. Just be really careful you've only one set of eyes. Personally I'd go the whole hog and make a solar filter for your 127 mak.
  21. It is a long one, reminds me of the old fracs of yesteryear's.
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