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Nigella Bryant

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Everything posted by Nigella Bryant

  1. Great news, I've always said you have to be an electrician, engineer and IT specialist with this hobby, lol.
  2. Hi, my skywatcher stopped working and I took it apart and the cog from the motor to the drive cog's had slipped. Replaced in the same position and working perfectly again. I've had this go on both my skywatcher focus motor's. Might be worth taking a look. Easy enough to tack apart and refit.
  3. Definitely have to change your profile name, lol 🤣 I'd call myself "SolarNut," lol 🤣
  4. Well done Peter, great to hear some coverage on your local news. Let's hope you get some more opportunities.
  5. Thanks, love looking at our nearest star. Everyday is different and dynamic. No light pollution, no lost sleep, etc, etc. What's not to like, lol.
  6. Welcome to the forum. You'll be wanting these then, lol.
  7. Thanks Peter, someone has to keep the UK influence going, lol.
  8. Thanks pep's, much appreciated. Unexpected that's for sure. Does inspire you to develop your skills in observing and imaging.
  9. Hi all, chuffed to make the solar picture of the day again today. Great forum for solar nuts, lol.
  10. Brilliant Alan, once bitten there's no going back to the dark side, lol. Hydrogen Alpha does have it's challenges to get even illumination and on band compared to white light and calcium II K.
  11. Working backwards with my data so here's the 13th January session in HA and CaK.
  12. No not even close to a dedicated CaK filter. Attached recent comparison from the 14th.
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