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Nigella Bryant

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Everything posted by Nigella Bryant

  1. Amazing, I love the granulation. Granulation is one of my favourite things to observe in WL.
  2. Well, I'm giving a talk on solar Dynamics on Tuesday, spent the weekend doing the presentation. I don't consider myself anything of an expert on the subject just an enthusiastic amateur that's hooked on solar observing, lol. I'm quite nervous about it.
  3. I usually like to observe the sun with Refractors but you've got to love the occasional cat, lol.
  4. I've never attempted animation but would love to know how vlaiv.
  5. It's just a straight video, not sequaence but interesting all the same plus some screenshots in CaK and HA. Sun_114204_pipp.avi
  6. It's an amazing group of spots and active region. It was fizzing this morning, small flare's even in Calcium II K.
  7. Yeah Stu, has really complex magnetic fields and fizzing with flares this morning in both HA and CaK.
  8. Yes, lot's of plasma outflow this morning on the north eastern limb with what looks like two large spot's. It seemed most of the activity was associated with the southern most spot and AR. Be interesting to see what happens when they're both more fully on the disk.
  9. Many thanks, much appreciated. Just show's how interesting our star is becoming in cycle 25.
  10. Yes, our nearest star is certainly performing better than expected. I even managed to capture a lovely Calcium II K prominence in March. Managed to capture some more a few days ago. These were very rare as they usually are fairly diffuse and less pronounced than in hydrogen alpha.
  11. Happy birthday love the cake.
  12. I have to deal with wildcat's falling asleep in the obsy, lol. Sometimes they go around in prides of two, lol.
  13. My setup has grown since I created the post. So here it is in it's triple mounted scope's for HA, CaK and WL imaging.
  14. I agree with Rusted, you need to up the security, at the moment you're easily broken into with the exposed latch and padlock, even with bolts. I'm speaking from experience several years ago had my 12inch SCT stolen from my RoR. Never recovered, thankfully insured. Anyway I'd fit internal garage door lock's. Two of them one above and below your current padlock.
  15. Tell me about it, lol. My problem is when Astrocat causes an eclipse by sitting in front of the telescopes on the front sidewall when I'm imagining or decides it's a good idea to change the settings on screen by sitting on the mouse, lol.
  16. Oh dear, it's been hit and miss here in January and February. I was only able to do six sessions in January and eight in February. I'm hoping March will be better. Yesterday and today only so far. Forecast isn't good after today for a few days so I know how you feel.
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