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Nigella Bryant

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Everything posted by Nigella Bryant

  1. I've got four framed set's of space cards, includes your set's, they're lovely framed.
  2. It's great to include all Astro and Space Memerobelia so thanks.
  3. The value isn't important, it's the sentiment that counts.
  4. Hi all, just received the 50th anniversary of Sky at Night 2007 Memorabilia bought of fleebay to add to my nostalgic collection, lol. Perhaps there should be a Memorabilia section on here, lol.
  5. Mobile phone balanced on car roof at 3.30am in the morning.
  6. Holiday in Ayr, Scotland, mobile phone balanced on car roof at 3.30am in the morning on 21st July.
  7. I've already provisionally booked for the 2026 and 2027 total eclipses, lol
  8. With achromatic lenses there will be spherical aberration. I use a Bresser 100mm stopped down to 80mm and that makes things much better. In fact I'd suggest always stopping achromatic lenses down 20mm. I'm contemplating getting a 150mm achromatic purely for solar stopped down to 130mm. Image's from the stopped down Bresser with CaK filter.
  9. I'm always looking at shiny new things, lol. I've triple mounted my solar setup but now thinking perhaps I'll change one scope on my setup from an 80ed to a 150mm ed scope. My night scope's are a C11 and a 12inch f4 newt. I've accumulated a few scopes but with grandchildren growing up in time I'll give some to them if they're interested. Question is, can you have to many scopes. I use all mine, particularly the solar triple scopes for different wavelengths.
  10. An Observatory. Up and running in ten mins (self build for a £1000) or even a second hand pulsar dome, I got my dome for £1,500 second hand, a little over your budget though.
  11. I suspect it's coma as there's evidence of elongation on all four sides. Less so top right but nonetheless it's there. Most elongation seems equal on the other three side's. I'm definitely no expert so I'll take my leave and leave it to much more experienced deepsky imagers, which no doubt will give a better understanding of what's going on. All the best.
  12. Love my Lunt 60mm double stack, got it second hand. I did replace the blue filter because the scope was seven years old when I got it and replaced the O'rings on the pressure tuner and gave the pressure tuner a re-grease. Had trouble free observing and imaging even though it's ten years old. I did buy a rotator for the double stack for ease of clocking the double stack unit.
  13. ISS solar transit 21st June 2022. Lunt 60mm DS with Zwo Asi 178mm. False colour added in Photoshop. Stacked individual frame's. ISS took originally just over one second to cross the solar disk. ISS solar transit 20220521 (2)~5.mp4 ISS solar transit 20220521 (2)~6.mp4
  14. Thanks, I'll reverse it tomorrow so it's moving in the right direction and I'll add false colour to the sun.
  15. Yeah, I think it was just over a second to cross the sun.
  16. Just added a video sequence but it's reversed. I got the sequence the wrong way not having done this before, lol. ISS solar transit 20220521 (2).mp4
  17. Managed to see the ISS transit the sun this morning. Managed to capture a few frame's too.
  18. Thanks, really, really chuffed I saw it.
  19. I know, they're really bright and colorful. Well done in capturing one.
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