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Everything posted by teoria_del_big_bang

  1. The one above would be fine. Enough extra power to run a couple of dew bands as well (you can get splitter cables that give more outputs). You might consider using a 12V battery source if you ever think you may travel and not be near a mains voltage source. Such as this, although there are cheaper ones available than this. Rechargeable-power-tank The mains supply I use and very happy with is this one: Regulated-linear-power-supply I just put it in a large plastic box with lid to keep it dry but have enough air around it it does not get hot. Steve
  2. The mount will take what current it requires up to 2A, so if you get a power supply that will deliver 6A at 12V then that will be fine. In fact I would recommend this because for one the power supply will not be working at near full capacity all the time. Although for just a mount it will only take anywhere near 2A when slewing at full speed, when tracking it will be probably more like 0.5A. But you will eventually get other equipment that uses 12V, such as dew bands, or maybe a cooled dedicated astro camera so it is good to have that power available rather than getting yet another power supply. On a different subject I was in Skovde for a couple of weeks not too long ago doing some work in the Volvo Truck plant. Very nice town. But I hope the nights are a bit darker then when I was there 🙂 Steve
  3. That was my thoughts after using it for only an hour or two. Steve
  4. APT is a great program and very easy to use. I think they are exceptionally kind and nearly everything important is available in the free version. According to their website the following are additional things available on the fully licensed version. Additional features of the FULL version : Ours thankfulness about your appreciation for the involved in APT work and support! Automatic EOS Lens focusing (using FWHM or HFD) - built into the Lens Panel. Never implemented in astro program before! Framing Masks - a multi session aid to help orienting the camera by same angle and position during multiple nights or after meridian flip. Never implemented in astro program before! Ability to store PointCarft results in Object Browser for future use in different nights or after meridian flip. Ability to show only the currently visible stars in the Object Browser for easier selection of alignment stars. Ability to show only the currently visible objects in the Object Browser. Ability to configure APT to check if the target is above the horizon before every GoTo or GoTo++. Ability to schedule plan execution for beginning of Deep Sky Darkness (DSD). Powerful and easy to use Commands/Script Editor for imaging session automation. Notifications for refocusing when the temperature changes or closing dew point to avoid un-needed heating (requires TEMPer(Gold) or TEMPerHUM or focuser with temperature sensor). HD Video recording for Digic IV cameras from the Planetary panel. Requires lens or T-ring with focus confirmation. Support for Lunatico GNS - Good Night System to get alarm for problem with the imaging session on your smartphone I don't think there was anything in the paid version I required but was happy to pay what is less than £20 as I thought it was more than reasonable and would have paid more for a very useful bit of software. I cannot compare it to others such as sequence generator as of yet I have not used them. I downloaded SG and meant to give it a go with the free fully functioning trial as I do believe it is a bit more flexible but APT has done all I ever needed to so still with it. The ease of plate solving was revolutionary for me made things sooooo much easier to get the target I wanted framed just as I wanted it. The help file is also pretty thorough. Steve
  5. I would never have thought of that but now you have said it I can see it 🙂 Steve
  6. Thats a cracking image with lots of detail 🙂 Taken with same camera and scope/ flattener as myself so why can't I get the same detail, maybe I need to try harder 🙂 Steve
  7. Looks great. Are the 4 Digital Readouts ammeters? Steve
  8. I have booked to arrive Friday but can only pick the hired campervan up around 2:30 PM so best will in the world would not get down until around 6:00 PM. Is that too late really, what time is the curry? My only other option is to book the Thursday as well (if pitches still available) but it is quite a bit more expense to do this. Steve
  9. If anything like mine then they are probably pretty well worn already, so not enough 🙂 Steve
  10. Not only is this my first NB image but really the first one I am remotely happy with. I know I still have a lot to learn, both with the imaging and more so I think with the processing side but, I also appreciate this is a pretty easy target but I am pleased with it as a start. Also forgive me for the artificial diffraction spikes, I was just trying out the software and actually quite like them. I did actually take images over two consecutive nights, whilst on holiday at a lovely spot in Suffolk stopping in a log cabin. However, I had real issues quiding for the first night which I cured the following evening. Originally I stacked all the images but when I looked at the subs the unguided ones were all pretty poor with elongated stars so this is subs from the second night and only a few. This is a fairly quick process so will have another go when I get home. Comments and suggestions for improvement welcome, I am pretty thick skinned. Steve WO Z73, ZWO 1600 Mono Pro 9x 400s Baadar Ha 3.5 Nm, 8x 400s Baader OIII 4.5 Nm, 7x 400s Baader SII 8Nm
  11. Yes, no surprise really that is a magnificent image, very well done and well deserved. Steve
  12. Thanks, I am sure it will be great and really looking forward to it. It will be good just from the sociable aspect but also hope to gain some experience from those more knowledgeable as often first hand guidance is worth a thousand words from a book or internet 🙂 I have booked the curry, hog roast and Sunday roast too 🙂 Steve
  13. I have just booked for Friday till Monday. I am a real newbie, only had a scope for about 2 years so I cannot engage in any riveting Astro stuff but really want to meet some of you so please be gentle with a SGL Virgin 🙂 P.S. This is really out of my comfort zone as I do not hold conversation easily so hope all will go well on my first outing 🙂 Steve
  14. For all that effort you deserve a result and you certainly have one 🙂 Very nice image. Steve
  15. Another nice Image. Lucky to get anything decent recently, certainly up north anyway maybe a bit better further south. I hope so anyway heading to Suffolk for a weeks holiday with missus and my sons dog and of course my imaging setup so hoping for some clearer skies 🙂 Steve
  16. Thanks for reply @david_taurus83 and sorry for not asking earlier but I did not get a notice you had posted this. I was aware of the arrow and have already fitted then with the arrow pointing towards the scope (not the sensor) as I always thought should be the case. The only thing that made me wonder was when I looked on the Baader site and saw the following: If you have a coma corrector, field flattener, focal reducer, focal extender (to a lower degree due to concave surface), or in extreme cases a whole lens group for more complex field corrections a few centimeters in front of the filter it could be useful to flip the filter against the rule from above (thus having the arrow pointing away from the telescope). Cause in such cases the likelihood of reflections from the sensor could be better then fort and reflections from such glass-surfaces. And would have just turned them around but thought I would see if others had followed this instruction or not. I have not had a real chance to try them as yet due to cloud cover. Are your arrows pointing towards the scope ? Also was warned about the O111 halos prior to buying so went for the ultra NB Baader OIII to see if this was better. Seems like my setup is very much identical to your own with the light pollution filter permanently fitted hence why I wondered if the L filter was really required or in fact was okay to use but made no real difference due to the Light Pollution filter. Steve
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