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Everything posted by Tomatobro

  1. Two possibilities, hacksawing a slot across the broken part and using a flat bladed screwdriver or use a sharp centre punch positioned off centre and try to punch turn it anticlockwise.
  2. I am no expert on RPi but I once got into a similar position with other software and I made a note of this...... Type the following command: sudo raspi-config Then, use your arrow keys to navigate to Enable Boot to Desktop and press enter. Select the Desktop login option and press enter. Reboot worth a try
  3. I guess also that the cables (power and USB) can go down where the motor cables disappear into the mount and out via the angled base bracket?
  4. Marketing departments where would we be without them.
  5. Still the original focuser but with a Nema17 stepper motor running through a 6mm 0.2 pitch timing belt. The motor hub is 20 tooth and the driven hub is 100 tooth. This 5 to one reduction runs on the 10 to one spindle (50:1 overall ratio). I have rebuilt and adjusted the focuser and it just about holds the weight of the camera and filter wheel. A upgraded focuser is on the list. The controller is a HitecAstro one (Black case version). I will post a picture of the setup tomorrow
  6. Screw wooden battens to the concrete floor and then board over with the green moisture resistant floor boards. Set the net height 10 mm below the door lip so you and cover with the interlocking floor tiles. Before laying the joists I used Thompson's brush on silicone concrete and brick sealer two coats. Leave a gap between the dome and floor to allow air to circulate (25-30mm)
  7. I am trying to figure out how the azimuth adjustment is made. Is it that the two back bolts rock the mount left or right a small amount and that is how its done?
  8. Could put an order in for a Mesu 200e with the compo...................
  9. I have the shutter controller but it's not yet installed. After installing the dome drive kit I was checking through the packaging and found a square black plastic terminal with screw connectors. I could see the socket in the dome controller display but its use was not detailed in the fitting instructions. I contacted Pulsar and they told me that is for a rain sensor input of the switched output type.
  10. The port is in the dome controller but is used to close the shutter (if the auto shutter system is fitted) if a rain sensor is fitted. The rain sensor has to short the two pins together to signal that the shutter needs to close.
  11. I found out that the square black two pin plug that fit's into the square socket next the to power in plug is for a switched rain sensor.
  12. Anything between 220 and 5000 mf found in the garage is worth a try
  13. I would try adding two capacitors, one across the input and one across the output. 1000 uf electrolytic 25 volt. They are polarity marked so they need to be connected the right way round. It might be a defective unit as I have used similar items without problems.
  14. I always get the two scopes mixed up number wise. Old age?
  15. Having seen what others have captured here is one taken with a MN180. I always thought it was a wind gust trail but it does now seen that I captured it
  16. What part of the sky was the scope looking at when attempting the calibration?
  17. I bet it's that USB C connector on the camera. I fold back the ribbon cable and put a tie wrap round the camera body to take the strain off the usb connector.
  18. Tomatobro


    You just cannot go wrong with the Star Adventurer as a basis to start Astro imaging. Having owned one for a while its easy to see why millions have been sold worldwide.
  19. I have built three and the lesson I have learnt is that the lens is everything if you want good results i.e. capture more than just the very brightest. Much will depend on your DIY and computing skills so give it a go as you can always upgrade later on as you gain experience
  20. I don't have a cat but my neighbours cat Thomas will pay me a visit in the observatory and checks that I am doing everything correctly before going off on his night patrol. Telling him to be quiet has no effect.
  21. I have a similar clamp. It can be slid further up towards the sensor end leaving the vents open.
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