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Alan White

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Everything posted by Alan White

  1. Thanks @Louis D. If I remember correctly you are an eyeglass wearer? I have been looking carefully and the ones you mention were all on the list. I do rather like the idea of the APM UFF 30 mm, I have the 18 mm already and it works OK with glasses. and the view reads to be the 30 mm is a finer ep than the 18 mm.
  2. I never was doubting the eyepieces, I was doubting the suppliers claim of Made in Germany. Morpheus get rave reviews here and on other forums.
  3. Gerry, perhaps a new thread for you to set running?
  4. That brings back memories, loved UFO. I have a memory of going to the Ford place in Basildon and seeing Ed Strakers car and meeting the man himself. Turned up well dressed in best 1970’s tie, Ed complimented my neck tie, he then signed said tie. Sadly the tie is lost to time, very sad it’s not with me as it would be on display.
  5. I am finding I need to wear my glasses to correct Astigmatism more at the eyepiece now, the correction feels more needed after long pc based hours wearing my readers for some reason. So I am looking at Baader Morpheus, no surprise on other posts hey and also looking at the APM UFF 30mm for my Dob. Those of you using them, how are they with glasses?
  6. As others have said a fine eyepiece, wherever it’s made.
  7. In all honesty, I just don’t get why things are not stamped Made in XXXX it would end confusion and clarify it a bit. Of course where it is made is no indicator of the quality. So my question is answered, a retailer is wrongly saying Baader Morpheus Made in Germany, should read Baader Morpheus Made in China.
  8. Very nice Craig, I had a plan to do similar this morning, but the alarm did not wake me..... probably because I forgot to push the on button after setting an alarm time! Grrrrrrr.
  9. ED103s, great scopes, but I am biased on that one. Look at my signature. The one on AB&S (not my one) is a steal.
  10. I think they are a niche scope, I would not think many are sold. I have seen several users on here put them up for sale and others on AB&S. Why not go the whole hog and get an ED150, you know you want too
  11. Putting perspective on it, as I have done for myself. I have noted almost all who have had a f5.9 achro although delighted at the time have sold them on. To me that puts a perspective on it as well. Well excepting John who just posted as I was typing, typical.
  12. I would be nervous with a 6" frac on a GP mount, even at f5.9 that is quite a lump and tortional? load. I have desires on a 6" one day too and am pondering the mount going forward, hence my comment. Would suggest you have a look at a f5.9 frac as well in the metal, it is larger than it looks online, it truly is. I would also add that as great as the f11 achro is, perhaps a higher glass type 4" would surprise you, My Vixen ED103s shows an awful lot and has very good control of focus. The hallowed Takahashi FC series might be an answer and fit that GP mount well.
  13. It's not my money or my wife..... so option 3. Good luck with that one! Is the GP really up to a 150 mm Frac though?
  14. And beware when talking Orion. Orion are a US brand which are similar to Skywatcher. Orion Optics Uk are a UK based manufacturer making scopes here in the UK, up in Cheshire. As to flextubes, sorry, never had one, could not see the point until getting big, then I would have gone truss tube. and having just noted the OP, hello Simon.
  15. It’s a bit like some of the APM eyepieces marked as APM Germany, now if that’s not trying to look German made..... The APM ones are I am sure made in China.
  16. The advertisement I saw was from a supplier in the uk, the advert states Made in Germany. To be clear it’s not Baader starting this, but a supplier, sounds like its wrong. I note the Manufacturer sheet has a 🇬🇧 printed on it, hmmmm.
  17. So clearly it’s not an instant answer then. @FLO is the place of manufacture known?
  18. Just seen an advert for Baader Morpheus as Made in Germany..... is that correct. I presumed designed in Germany made in Far East or am I wrong?
  19. One of my astro club questioned a Solar comment I made a while back, he was using an 80mm and myself using a 103mm, clearly aperture of even a modest step plays a notable part here.
  20. I have asked before Jeremy, sorry, I have slept. But who is that case made by and what model please 😁
  21. A vote for the 1.25" Lunt wedge, love my one. A vote for the Baader Continuum filter as well, love my one. Great value, great view = Great fun
  22. Better to work on minutes, it divides it better....
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