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Alan White

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Posts posted by Alan White

  1. Just seen this account of your Cumbrian jaunt Bob.

    Your half term week is different to ours in Essex, we were a week before and stayed on the very edge of Keswick.
    Had a few clear evenings and a wander in the garden of the house with my Binoculars.
    As you say a nice dark sky.

    Your view of Keswick with the LP it casts, shocked me though.

    This is an area I know well, visited every year since I was 5 years old, bow 53 and still drawn back to 'home' in Borrowdale.
    Beautiful place day or night.

    Liked the Castle Rigg story, your Spanish companion sounds like a great encounter.

    • Like 1
  2. Nice report, glad you enjoyed it.

    I went along on the Saturday, having gone for a few years now, but missed last years as not feeling it with the speakers.

    This year it was great on Saturday, better venue, much more space.

    The speakers were hard to decide between, I could have sat just listening.
    The vendors all looked to be well used and sales looked to be good.

    RVO did indeed look rather lost in the hall in the entrance, but did give room to look in comfort, but
    the Celestron bit in the same area was cramped and you nearly fell over the tripod legs looking!

    The IKI stand was looking well presented and indeed showed Ian King is still alive and kicking at FLO.
    Was nice to meet some FLO faces.

    The Rowan Astronomy / Engineering stand was of great interest, see separate post on the AZ100 mount.

    The IAS organiser have done a grand job each year, but 2019 was by far the best one to date, roll on 2020 IAS.

    • Like 1
  3. 12 hours ago, Steve Clay said:

    After seeing the mercury transit last week with my 150pds and solar film filter. Im considering a wedge for my newly acquired ED80.  Would this give me significant gains over the newt with filter?


    Short answer from me, yes.
    I have had both scopes and WL solar observe when I can.

    A refractor with a Wedge, I have the Lunt One give a stunning view when things are active.
    It's what I used on the Mercury transit last week, but on a ED103 scope.

    A film on a Newtonian does work ok, but to me the refractor view was and is more detailed.
    A solar wedge is the maker of the differnce in my opinion.
    Money well spent.

    And observing in the warm (relative) day is a nice bonus too.

    • Like 1
  4. On 17/03/2019 at 23:26, dark coastah said:

    Question for Alan White (OP), or anyone else that may own one of these:

    How has the NADIRA observing chair held up over time?  I'm particularly interested in wear around the slots that the seat slips into.

    Also, how is the  side-to-side stability?  Someone asked about stability on softer ground (grass), so I guess this speaks to that as well.

    Thanks much,


    Calling @dark coastah

    Sorry Brent, I missed your question as was quite unwell in first 5 months this year.

    Anyway, the Seat was sold on to another SGL member, due to fund raising, not a seat problem.

    It was wearing very well and as solid as the day I bought it.


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  5. I had a look at one at the IAS.
    Looked very nice, but did not have anything mounted and so it unfairly felt rather light.
    I think with a mount and scope it would be rather nice, but more for low set rigs,
    as a visual observer, I need things higher up.

    • Like 1
  6. Again no postie as collected from FLO and SteveG at the IAS.

    The next DeLite, discounted thanks to the TeleVue 10% sale 🙂
    And I could hand on heart assure Mrs W, that I bought nothing at the IAS this year 😉

    Mind you I have decided on a number of bigger spend items for the next few years.


    • Like 7
  7. 12 hours ago, johninderby said:

    Yes the ADM are a matt finish that that wouldn’t match the mount. 

    Hopefully the Altair dual saddle that I already have will  match. Did replace the stock knobs with some stainless steel ones that are far easier to tighten up.


    @johninderby the Rowan items are very solid, look wonderful and really suit the mount and it's dimensions.
    If I were in your shoes, I would be going for the Rowan clamps if I could.

    I likes the mount so much, it is now a danger at home, I am looking at what I can convert to cash each footfall.


    • Like 1
  8. The pier on the stand had a story as well, it looked rather nice, the top plate was quite tasty.

    I was told it was a surplus bollard that had been adjusted to pier duties, well if a bit of surplus can be adapted and look so good, no wonder the chaps are doing such a fine job on the mount.

    The decent bearings within and the solid engineering will make this a life mount, a real keeper.

    So much impressed me that I think I failed in my initial post, it’s set me off about piers, bigger refractors and the like, I can see a well engineered astro future and very empty pockets over the coming years.

    I also went and talked to Serge at Astro Devices and he talked me through the DSC and Nexusii devices, I was already sold on the concept, having tried a Nexus locally. These devices are quite something, especially as I am a bit Technophobic, but  hey, we adapt so why not.

    • Like 1
  9. 49 minutes ago, Stu said:

    My lovely wife has just said how proud she is of me, having a knob named after me 😉😉😉🤣🤣🤣.

    Stu, please note, I was very careful to pen the name ‘Stu Lock’

    Somehow Stu Knob was just plain wrong, however tempting it sounded 😂

    • Haha 4
  10. I was at the IAS today and one of my main points of interest and visiting was the Rowan Astronomy AZ100 on the Rowan stand as well as the IKI stand.

    Had a very long chat with Dave and Derek Rose of Rowan about the mount., thank chaps for being so friendly and open in our discussion.
    Also chatted with SteveG of FLO / IKI about things, the mount and supporting UK manufacture as a whole.

    Firstly, wow what a well engineered item this is.
    Decent bearings throughout, solid metal throughout, super machining and finish.
    Made here in the UK.

    The movements were buttery smooth,
    slow motions sublime and oh my I just want one more than ever.

    The development through the Beta testing was talked about and the changes made.
    What a brave and trusting move by all involved, respect due on doing this.
    The mount is all the better for this additional input, it was rather good before this though anyway.
    Big thanks to @Stu and @John for the Beta testing to date and yet to come.

    The one item I loved was a second altitude clutch added after suggestion by @Stu, thanks Stu, EP changes will now be simples.
    From now on refer to this as the 'Stu Lock' please :D

    @johninderby, wow you have a treat in store my friend.

    I also saw another SGLer @Helen looking at the mount and captured her in full inspection.

    Took a few images.


    The manual no encoder Beta test rig on a pier.


    The chaps in full conversation with Helen.
    This is the Encoder version with Nexus DSC fitted, wow that's nice.


    Encoder version and DSC with fitted 'Stu Lock'
    This I am told very close to the production model now.

    I am so impressed with the mount, the guys attitude and care for detail and also my conversation with SteveG at FLO as well.
    This mount is destined for great things, so much so I want one myself and it is now the target for my Astro Want list.

    All in all, this is something good for Astronomy.

    Can we have a smaller encoder version too one day chaps?

    PS I will call in for a cuppa as you invited so nicely.


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