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Alan White

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Posts posted by Alan White

  1. I have a cunning plan, hatched from this thread and Chris Locks thoughts......

    Owned a number or 4" and 150mm scopes, so have decided to trial this, but not to own just one scope.
    But please don't mention that last bit to Mrs W!

    Own a Vixen ED103s f7.8 103 mm Refractor.


    Also now own a OOUK 1/6 wave 150 mm f5 Newtonian.


    Sometimes curiosity gets the better of you.

    So I plan to have a run of nights with both scopes and report back on how they compare.
    Go into this eyes open and expect things to be similar yet different.

    Does this have merit in a separate post or continue here?


    • Like 5
  2. A 150mm f5 is a great scope to own under UK skies,
    in many on here's opinion quite a Goldilocks scope, just right.

    I think the comment about DSO you had, has a some validity, but any scope in Urban UK sky condition suffers.
    The 150mm just is a size that copes well and is very portable.
    So much so I am now on my third one to complement my 10" Dobsonian.

    As to EP, what have you got with the scope so far?
    Possibly a 20/25mm and a 10mm?
    Just replacing these with better quality ones in itself will help.

    My personal preference in a 150 f5 is a 18-20mm then a 13-15mm and then a 8-6mm.
    At present I am churning my EP collection (all TeeleVue) to have longer eye relief and fit a Dioptrx unit.
    My eyes have changed a lot in past 3 years I am now 53.

    In answer to the question 19mm Panoptic sits well with a 150p scope.

    One thing to remember is that is you go to a 30mm+ under near London skies, the sky will be very grey as you will see the background LP.
    Go somewhere even slightly darker skies and pow, darker sky.

    The exit pupil at 2mm for DSO, not sure who told you that one.
    I find that with dark adapted eyes 3-5mm Exit pupil works better for me looking for faint grey smudges.

    As a final minor point, in forum playing nice, please even if you get a post you don't overly like,
    please, please be nice and not get into arguments, this is not Cloudy Nights!


    • Like 1
  3. Aha, so you were the bidder.
    looked at it myself as it was only up in Chelmsford.

    That Vixen made scope does look mighty interesting and should be superbly made.
    The 6" Newtonian is a Goldilocks scoe to me.
    I would have been bidding for the Newtonian and the rest would have been unwanted, funny old world.
    Look forward to you first light if it ever clears up.

  4. This kind of stock answer from a public body does not surprise me anymore.
    A call centre type pick from this list of 10 stock answers that have no validity to the question asked scenario.

    I would just go with the locations, you are not camping or sleeping, you are not staying overnight.
    But beware of other nocturnal users of such locations who will not be pleased to see you set up.

  5. I think because it is so close to the boundary line amongst other things that it falls foul.
    Alsos sounds like the LA officer concerned is not Astronomy minded either.
    The poor soul who owns the dome should have considered planning before building of course.

    • Like 3
  6. This thread has a danger of sliding into politics chaps, let's step carefully 😁

    As long as Lembit sails off with the 'Cheeky Girls', then it becomes tempting 🤣
    But as you say how this was published as Science, well that shows the quality of the papers these days.

    • Like 2
  7. Delivery person has just been and delivered a very well protected item.
    To say I am happy would be an understatement.


    Please say hello to my OOUK OD150 f5, 1/6 wave mirror.
    This is what I (and others)consider to be a Goldilocks scope.
    So looking forward to giving it first light.
    Described as Mint by the former owner, I think it should have been Mint New, 
    In super unmarked condition.

    Also shows how from my 2007 10" to the 2009 6" how OOUK upped the game on general finish of the scopes.

    One thing to note far slimmer than my previous SW150p f5's that I have owned and lighter too.

    • Like 5
    • Thanks 1
  8. 3 minutes ago, AdeKing said:

    Thanks for this post, I'm contemplating getting one of the new Rowan AZ100 mounts with the Nexus DSC and was just contemplating how you might attach encoders to an OO UK Dob Mount, so I did a search and your post popped up.

    The fact that you can fit encoders to an OO UK Dob makes the AZ100 look even more appealing if I could get encoders for the dob and swap the Nexus DSC between the two. 

    Needless to say, I've bookmarked this post.  Thanks.

    Ade, I am considering the Nexus on my OOUK dob base too.
    I was fortunate enough to live near to live near @Scooot, Richard, who kindly demonstrated his in action,
    Very simple and very impressive, but did not clear the cloud though!

    As you say an encoder enables Alt Az as well as a dob both sharing a Nexus or similar has great kerb appeal.


    • Thanks 1
  9. On 11/10/2019 at 00:47, Louis D said:

    If funds are an issue, I'd do what I did and get the GSO/Revelation CC with a 25mm spacer tube.  It has a 65mm to 85mm separation distance where correction is quite good, so there isn't much need to find tune the separation visually.  I'd say for most eyepieces that focus within 5mm of the shoulder, I get about 95% or more reduction in coma, which is plenty good for visual usage for me.  I need somewhere between 10mm and 15mm of inward travel, so not bad at all there.

    So a question to add please @Louis D, do you still use the GSO unit or has it been replaced with something more exotic?

  10. Best start is a pair of 8x40 or 10x50 Binoculars and a star guide to find your way about the sky.

    Then a great step is:

    Skywatcher 200 Skyliner Dob £289


    and some eyepieces £47 each x 3 £141


    leaves some cash for a couple of guides and a red torch.

    All simple, all work, all reasonable price and easily resold if you don't take to the hobby.
    or do the same but used via the For Sale section, but it might take a little while to get it all.

    Good luck with your entering this fine hobby.

    • Like 4
  11. 5 hours ago, FLO said:

    We think that is an excellent idea. Thank-you for the suggestion 🙂 

    Strictly speaking 'FLO' won't be at the event but Ikarus Imaging will and will be manned by Ian King, myself, Grant, James & Rob (all FLO staff). I think Daz will also join us for one of the days. 

    We will post details separately in the Sponsor Section. 


    Strictly speaking, FLO are at the IAS, you are listed as an exhibitor Steve,
    it was before you had the name Ikarus Imaging in circulation.
    Forgive the old pedant in me 🤣 I just cannot stop myself.

    I will certainly drop in and say Hello.

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