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Alan White

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Posts posted by Alan White

  1. DPD person has been a few minutes ago, on time and correct day.
    The odd thing was I was only expecting parcel from FLO, but had another one of plants delivered a day early.

    I did note every time DPD deliver the person is named Charles! But one was a lady, another chap Asian etc.
    Interesting how Charles is such a popular name across all sexes and our diverse population 😉

    Anyway, I bought a new, yes new DeLite 13mm.
    Just want an 18.2mm, but I can wait for a used one of those or the discounts if they ever come again.


    • Like 5
  2. 40 minutes ago, DaveS said:

    Well DHL delivered the mitre saw stand, so now I will proceed to mitre saw some fingers off.

    I know you say it as a joke, but Dave, please don't! chop anything off but wood.
    I see too much of this type of thing in my day job!!!
    Be careful, be very careful indeed.

    • Like 1
  3. 47 minutes ago, Lockie said:

    You can if that's all you can afford, Gina :) I only have one scope, a 12" vintage Dob which was a cheap curiosity buy. It's too big so I need to swap it for a 6" Newt or similar. I'm sticking to my guns here lol. I can't afford two scopes like I used to with a house renovation and a term time contract (latest expense £1760 for a new front door!) I'm sure I'm not alone. 'If' you could only choose one Gina which would it be ;) 

    open to donations (Only joking :D

    I think Chris, you have hit it on the nail, sometimes circumstances dictate one piece of kit.
    Very interesting that you go for the 6" Newtonian choice Chris and I don't disagree at all.
    But how would you mount the 6", I suspect it will be a Dob Mount based on your previous choices, but....

    • Like 1
  4. 25 minutes ago, scrufy said:

    One scope only, it would have to be a 8”-11” SCT with Hyperstar. Remove it and planetary is amazing, put hyperstar back on and /dSO wide field at F2.

    I don’t see how you can beat that for versatility with a 5 minute change out time.

    Each of us has a preference, each of us has a different weather type and sky conditions to contend with as well.
    I can tell you South UK weather is mostly wet, cold and damp, it's not the sunshine state here.
    An SCT dews in moments here and cooling is a real problem.

  5. I can report it arrived a few days ago, tonight was first clear (ha ha) evening, 
    well the transparency was poor and it was very damp in the atmosphere, but needs must.

    I used the OOUK OD150 f5 for a test run and popped in the 27mm Panoptic with the Dioptrx.
    Well what can I say, that coma was my Astigmatism at low power, all very much nicer to view and
    fainter stars are now visible :)

    I had a look about, did some general sky surfing, Double cluster was great as were many targets, 
    I like the Dioptrx, but the 27mm gives me a balance challenge in the short scope, Hmmm, always something else.

    Dioptrx works great, was not needed at 9mm but conditions were mixed so not a full test.
    Was it worth it, you bet it was.

    • Like 3
    • Thanks 2
  6. I have owned a number of Newtonians, always have Secondary dewing on long observing sessions,
    but only once on the Primary Mirror.
    Are you viewing to Zenith for a long period?

    Ventilation via the tube may well be a fix, rather than heating the primary.

    I and others have made vents in out Newts to vent the Primary.


    This is the base plate that the Mirror cell is set of from.
    Clearly the mirror sits in front of the holes.


    Another identical scope, with different holes, belongs to another on SGL,
    who has commented already.

    You could try this first as a little air movement near the mirror may be all it takes to prevent the dew.

    No dew since the vents added by me.

  7. On 05/10/2019 at 23:33, JamesF said:

    I've found the mere setting up of a telescope in the middle of a field at night to be quite effective at finding badgers.  It's amazing how quiet they can be when they're creeping up on you, too.


    James you either have terrible hearing or well trained 'Stealth Badgers' your way.
    Our Badgers are so loud in approach you know they are on the move 5 minutes before they arrive.

  8. Blimey Billy, that's bright.
    So unused to seeing it so bright or with all that nebulosity (see my signature),
    that I find it rather overpowering.
    This is not a criticism by the way, as I have great respect for you imagers.

  9. 3 minutes ago, Gina said:

    Gremlins live at the bottom of the garden???  I'm sure mine live in the house and a few in my observatory.  I was attacked in my observatory a couple of weeks ago and still bear the wounds!!

    You have to watch them Gina, crafty devils.
    Just don't sit on a stair lift and you should be OK.

    1 minute ago, KevS said:

    As long as you don't feed them after midnight your fine😉.

    But if they trick you, your in trouble.

    Sorry to the OP as this is now so far off topic!

  10. Just read this Ade, fully understand the frustration, long drive or not.
    Good to see that FLO are being very helpful as usual, so that makes a bad experience easier.

    I too rather like the look of these mounts, but with the varying reports have always held off even saving for one.
    But as you say the AZ100 is very interesting indeed, but again for me is a save up job if I decide one is for me.
    I did try the alternate methods of fund raising;
    but so far no body parts sold and someone else won the EuroMillions!

    As to the riser and it's cost, the add on bits with so many things are always stupidly high,
    I needed a cover ring for my Olympus Pro lens to cover where a bracket can be removed,
    it's made of plastic, but specific to the lens, £35 for a small lump of poor quality plastic.

    I wish you well with this mount and I am sure things will work through OK in the end, they always do.

    • Thanks 1
  11. Post person delivered early today as I left home, only just opened the FLO parcel.
    My much looked forward to 0.75 Dioptrx unit.
    I hope my views will improve, may still yet need a Coma Corrector as well, you know how it never ends!




    Of course I may decide to have more than one Dioptrx as well to save messing about,
    Butt at £92 each,perhaps not.

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