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Alan White

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Posts posted by Alan White

  1. I have just this thread all the way through, what a great build.

    The knee injury had me curling my toes in sympathy, I have kneecap issues in
    both of my knees, so literally feel your pain, hope the recovery continues.

    That observatory design as used by Gorran and now you, is that a more usual design in your area?


    • Thanks 1
  2. Having now pondered the replies in this thread and folks bodges to fill the undercuts,
    a question for you all...

    Has anyone had the undercut eyepiece refitted with a non undercut 1.25" or 2" fitting?
    I was pondering this, probably not practical, but thought I would ask.

  3. Hi Brian,

    365 is 365 Astronomy and ENS is ENS OPtical, both have branded covers.
    Be interested to see the pier when done.
    You hit me as very brave to leave a Mesu mount out inside a bag, why not a push away small housing or similar?


  4. 16 hours ago, Merlin66 said:

    The KimTech wipes are fantastic!

    Used with IPA, never use them dry!

    Cleaned my CMOS sensor and filters 100%.

    I recommend them.



    You clean them with IPA?

    Image result for greene king IPA"

    What a waste of good beer!

    But as you have suggested this, I must go purchase a case and see how I do.
    Or perhaps just drink it, then who cares if the kit needs a clean 🤣


    • Like 1
    • Haha 2
  5. 1 hour ago, johninderby said:

    Part of the problem is there is no standardisation on the postion of the compression rings. If all compression rings were a certain distance down from the top then then they could avoid a lot of the problems with undercuts.  

    I think that is one of the route causes John,
    well other than the darned undercut themselves!

    • Thanks 1
  6. An undercut is a royal pain in my opinion, but sadly something I live with as I like TeleVue kit.

    The images from John do explain visually rather well.
    Supposedly the undercut ensures the item does not slip from the telescope.

    I disagree as the undercut catches when taking items on off the scope and move the scope position. 
    The only time something fell from my scope was an undercut that caught as I removed an EP.
    But each to our own favours of course, some love them, many loathe them. 

    • Like 1
  7. Sounds wonderful,

    I know the skies in this area as had family near hear until last year when the last one died, have had the wonder of these skies for 30+ years and it still made me say wow each first night.

    As you say so much better that poorer home skies, but don’t let it make home skies get ignored, you can still blow your socks off observing in poorer skies.

    Thank you for sharing the experience, made me smile at a time of not being in a place to bring many smiles.

    • Like 3
  8. 15 hours ago, John said:

    I think there is a sort of "sods law" that the seeing conditions are best 10-15 minutes after you have packed your gear away, just when you are having a last peek at the sky before turning in :wink:

    The other time you often seem to get superb seeing is when you get out of bed to go to the loo and peer out the window just out of curiosity.


    Fully agree with that John, but you missed out about when its been solid cloud the same applies too.

    • Like 1
  9. 5 minutes ago, Helen said:

    Are you still on budget Dave?  It took an hour before we went over - the builders decided they needed a bigger skip!!

    Well worth it though 🙂 


    Budgets are but an indication of a projects starting point which are written by the optimistic,
    this allows projects to start without scaring too many folks.

    Just look at H2S!

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