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Alan White

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Posts posted by Alan White

  1. First time my Dad lifted me up to look at the Moon.
    This must have been about 1970 and using his treasured 8x40 binoculars.
    Wonderful moment with a wonderful Dad.
    (RIP Dad xx).

    That set me off on a lifetime journey of looking up.
    He must have intended to keep me away from drink and drugs!

    • Like 2
  2. Having been to my Optician, who is an old friend as well.
    I can report back that I am now a broken person, the cost of 2 new pairs of varifocals,
    even at mates rates is rather a lot! 
    No contacts here.
    I have also ordered the correct Dioptrx unit via @FLO earlier today.
    I will report back on how I get on.

  3. Well my well worked postal operative delivered this morning.
    Purchases from eBay out of curiosity more than need.


    A pair of OOUK 6" Rings, to see how big a VX tube really looks like,
    glad I did as notably smaller than a SW150p.
    Best bit is my curiosity didn't cost a lot either.

    • Like 1
  4. Scope choice fatigue, what a great name, love it as it is so true.

    As to scope churn to find an all rounder, good luck with that Doug, I like so many others have tried and still chasing the one allrounder. 

    Apochromats do give a super view, but at a cost, even though reduced these days.

    My favoured scope these days are Newtonian for value, ease of use so I can sit comfortably using them.

    My less favoured scope is my wonderful Vixen ED103s, super sharp views and very crisp stars, but

    not comfortable for my back or knees now, so used far less than I should.

    So in conclusion, the scope you use most and most comfort is my driver.

    Really not sure if that’s any answer to the original post though, but good luck Doug.


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  5. 12 hours ago, Louis D said:

    If funds are an issue, I'd do what I did and get the GSO/Revelation CC with a 25mm spacer tube.  It has a 65mm to 85mm separation distance where correction is quite good, so there isn't much need to find tune the separation visually.  I'd say for most eyepieces that focus within 5mm of the shoulder, I get about 95% or more reduction in coma, which is plenty good for visual usage for me.  I need somewhere between 10mm and 15mm of inward travel, so not bad at all there.

    Thanks Louis, that is something I had dismissed from my thoughts, but perhaps I shouldn't dismiss it at all.
    Do you have an image of the GSO with the spacer fitted at all?

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