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Everything posted by Froeng

  1. Terrific! If only it was easier to get to! But that would probably mean more people, more light, etc, etc...
  2. Amazing video. Thanks for posting!
  3. Got up at 2.30 this morning to look at the planets. The seeing was better than average. Jupiter had the GRS on display, as well as some detail in the equatorial belts. Mars is still tiny, but the polar cap and some dark regions were definitely visible. Around 4am the daylight started to become too bright and washed out some of the detail and I went back to sleep... In hindsight - it was worth doing this as it was an extremely comfortable session at 24deg!
  4. Thought I'd show off some details of my old Super Polaris DX from the eighties... The old lady is still as strong as ever! I know the controller is an aftermarket one, but really a match made in/for heaven! Call it what you want (No - it is NOT called "Mount P__n") 😊 😇 🤣
  5. Amazing setup! Your wall paint almost matches the Tak-blue! A word of caution - this may attract other specimens of the same kind. We have already seen a starting Tak invasion in another thread recently… maybe this topic needs a new sub-forum!
  6. I am trying to figure out if the wall colour is Tak-blue or Tak-green! It must be one of them, otherwise that room wouldn’t attract so many of them!
  7. one from yesterday evening. Waiting for darkness...
  8. My 40mm Axiom. The perfect low power eyepiece for SCTs…
  9. Nice scope and nice shot! Looks amazing. Clouds here…
  10. Phantastic scope! Mind the ceiling though…
  11. I'd do both! (I know this is not a "compliant" answer to your questions, but this IS what I would do...)
  12. What an incredible achievement and beautiful sketch. I have not seen the HH yet. For comparison - which one would you think is more challenging: the HH or the central portion of Pickering’s Triangle in the Cygnus Loop (I have seen this)?
  13. Forgot eyepieces - also Vixen. I love the original LV series! Small, light, optically excellent in my SCT and very well made. Perfect if you wear glasses. Some of the old Celestron eyepieces are also excellent. I have an old Celestron Axiom 40mm 70deg 2”, which sits brilliantly between my equally good Vixen NLV50 and NLVW30…
  14. Vixen - had my SP-DX since 1989 (I think), from new. It is still working as advertised! Being able to source an original, new Vixen replacement reticule for the polar finder with markings to 2025 for a 30+ year old mount is what I call caring for your customers! Apparently there is a new reticule to 2040 being released soon…
  15. Wow, amazing report and list of objects! You must have observed more galaxies on that weekend than I have seen in 30+ years in my C8! Sounds like a once-in-a-lifetime experience! Well done!
  16. Thank god for that light! At least your kit is safe at night!!!
  17. https://www.vixen.co.jp/activity/cp-plus2022/wireless_unit/ interesting: an app version of the starbook ten with a wifi dongle for Vixen mounts. One cable less!
  18. That 80M looks beautiful - and massive! Must be the tiny wooden tripod. Lovely scopes…
  19. Excellent report! A cracking night indeed. Well done on the flame and Rosette. These are definitely difficult targets. I only saw the Rosette once on an excellent night in a nature reserve. A brilliant end to a fruitful January! Compared to last years' wash out, we are being spoilt so far. Let's hope for more of it!
  20. We really need a "shoot-out" between a C8, an 8" CC and a Mewlon210! That would be very interesting indeed...
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