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Everything posted by jock1958

  1. I spent ages but couldn’t see any variations in colour (salmon pink) in the northern regions using my 3-6 NZ & Badder ND filter.
  2. Nice one @mikeDnight I can still see lots of detail in your sketch. It was pretty good down here with lots of albedo features visible in the southern hemisphere regions, according to the Mars Mapper app Olympus Mons should have been centrally placed in the northern regions about 22.00 UT last night, do you think it’s possible to see this lighter feature with a 4” Tak FC-100DL?
  3. @Sunshine I started a topic on here a couple of years ago that might be worth a read “Pollen on Tak 100DL Lens”
  4. Excellent sketch with lots of subtle detail. Was that through your binoviewers?
  5. I looked at that book about 45 mins ago and it was £5.15, its just gone up to £6.15. You might have started something 😂
  6. Hi Dave and thanks for that, why was I calling you Geof?? sorry about that I think I'm getting past it! I've been observing Mars for the last few weeks and to start of with I wasn't sure which albedo features I was looking at so downloaded Sky Safari Plus but it doesn't seem to represent what I'm looking at, at a particular time. Luckily had a heads up from fellow SGL'rs regarding this app, I think it's more realistic and representative of what you can actually see at a given time with the ability to fast forward or rewind in days or hours. Jock
  7. Very interesting and high praise for the TOE considering the other top notch eyepieces in your collection. My go to high powered eyepiece is the 3-6 NZ and very pleased with it but always on the lookout for something better....you’ve got me thinking now 🤔
  8. Very nice sketches & write up Geof. I was out last night pushing my little Tak FS-60Q to the limit and was extremely impressed with detail I was able to see between 120x - 150x. I use Ade Ashford’s brilliant Mars Mapper app to confirm what I’ve been looking at either before or after I go out. Screen shot of Ade’s app and one of my sketching attempts from a few nights ago below with my FC-100DL.
  9. Lovely, lovely what a cracking looking scope. I’m sure you will love it!!
  10. Lovely sketch, was going to ask how you did the background!
  11. Excellent image Geof, was out there on the 6th as well and from a visual point of view seeing was fairly good with fleeting glimpse’s of sharp detail. Is it me or is the SPC getting increasingly small? I’m sure it was easier to see last week!
  12. Despite seeing being good the albedo features were not as defined as last week and south polar cap was virtually indistinguishable, I think the windy conditions didn’t help. Another rough sketch below.
  13. Thanks John, it’s work in progress as far as the colour goes! Yep tonight’s the night and I can see it above the horizon just hope the weather plays ball 🤞
  14. Hi Mike thanks for encouraging words. I followed your lead on rough sketches at the eyepiece, what I failed to do was finish it off last Wednesday morning whilst my memory was fresh. Next outing will try and complete the job more quickly!
  15. Had problems last week with fogging on my TV 3-6 zoom, will try your tip next time I'm out and condensation's in the air!
  16. Following on from the inspirational @mikeDnight here’s my first attempt at a very rough sketch last week. I’m struggling to match the colours exactly it’s more of a salmon pink through my Baader ND filter!
  17. Sorry John didn't see your reply about the Zoom & Barlow combination....dughh!!
  18. Bought my Opticstar 7.2 - 21 Zoom & Baader 2.25X Barlow combination after reading a great review by @John a couple of years back. It works very well with my Tak FC-100DL and the two together were relatively inexpensive at the time. Copy of John's review below.
  19. Didn’t get a malicious warning just that they had issues and log into backup site, seems to be working a lot quicker for me, it’s like I’ve got super fast broadband which I haven’t 🤨
  20. Told me to log into their back up site last week, did that and it’s never been so quick!
  21. Excellent sketches Mike! Looked out the window a few times last night and Mars looking noticeably dimmer through the thin wispy clouds so decided to watch rubbish TV instead 😩
  22. Excellent Geoff and lots of detail. Was just about to head outside but the clouds have rolled over 😩
  23. Another fine sketch Mike. I was out about the same time as you and had the best views yet during this apparition. The atmosphere was steady and calm which makes all the difference, Sinus Sabaeus appearing noticeably darker & sharp in detail compared to the other albedo features. I found best views were between 200x - 225x through my FC-100DL & 3-6 NZ with regular tweaks on the FT focuser as suggested by yourself I think? Below a Mars Mapper image of last night about 11.00 pm ish.
  24. Thanks Jeremy thats excellent, I've just checked the Mars Mapper against the live pic on my Sky Safari Plus and the surface features more or less tie up. I assume UT time is GMT -1 hour on the Mars Mapper?
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