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Everything posted by Allinthehead

  1. My pleasure Sam. You've got some psychedelic taste there. I like what you've done with Orion, gives a different perspective.
  2. Great colour in that Goran. Yes eagerly awaiting astrodark here, about six weeks away for me. Not a bother, post away.
  3. These are raw stacks, no processing. If your budget can stretch to the Asi 2600mc go for that, well worth the extra few quid. Better cooling, better colour, reduced reflections around brighter stars, higher qe and 16 bit.
  4. That makes sense, I'll try this out first. It will be interesting to see if it works and if the filter is narrow enough to combat light from the moon. My 5nm Astrodon worked well in the moonlight, i believe the Stc is 10nm.
  5. That's a unique presentation, nicely done. Well worth continuing on this one.
  6. Thanks Olly, definitely worth a try. Thanks Adam. I have the Stc filter, although i've yet to really try it out properly. It needs moonless skies with the Oiii and it's hard for me to justify using it ahead of shooting broadband. That is expensive, although the Stc wasn't exactly cheap either.
  7. You're welcome, nice job too. I reckon you could do with eliminating some of the green in the image.
  8. I'm looking for an Ha filter to use with my Asi2600mc and Epsilon 130. Can anyone advise on a good filter to image at F/3.3? I see Baader have an F/2 10nm filter and also a 7nm filter. Regards Richard.
  9. Ah yes, love it. Thanks Reading my mind.
  10. 🤪 The joy of getting new gear followed by why won't this work. If I've learned anything in this hobby it is this. If something isn't working it's either a stupid windows update has changed some settings or the stupid astrophotographer has forgotten to do something.
  11. Thanks very much, i normally wouldn't have bothered given the conditions. Glad i did now. It's not much fun working the next day, but worthwhile if you get some decent data. Very nice of you to say.
  12. A new one for me, very nice.
  13. Hi Dave. Have you got the camera connected to 12volts too. This camera needs permanent power to operate even with cooling off.
  14. I read a forum topic recently that advised using bayer drizzle in place of the other debayering options, so i gave it a try and i liked the result. Something else i tried was to use local normalisation when stacking due to differences in sky brightness over the two nights. Pretty decent improvement i think. New image above.
  15. Very nice Martin, i'm permanently glued to the fence so my preference would be a mix of the two. The more subtle processing of the first with the tones of the second. Both great images though.
  16. Beautiful, love those golden hues.
  17. Agreed, nice to see what others can do with the data.
  18. Unfortunately there's no Aps-c mono cmos available, and nearly all the smaller sensors have compromises, amp glow, microlensing etc. I just bought an Asi 2600mc Aps-c osc and will hold out for a mono equivalent, if one is to ever appear.
  19. Thanks Ciarán. You're correct about that, pursuing perfect stars with a fast newt is a sure path to madness. Thank you very much John. Not pushing it as it doesn't really need it but -10 at the moment and -20 in cooler conditions. So far it's proven to be a very reliable camera with no sign of dreaded dew/frosting issues.
  20. Thanks David. That's some collection of gear you have now, hopefully we'll get to see an image from you sometime soon😉 seriously though should be an excellent combination. Thank you Mark. I have no idea what the area is. I need to look into that, usually when i pick something to image i'll try to learn something about the target but i wasn't expecting anything so i didn't. I know the cluster top right is Ngc 6793. Just from looking at the image it looks like the dark stuff is blocking the stars behind.
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