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Everything posted by Allinthehead

  1. That's an exciting development. Need to start looking at getting an ha filter to pair with it.
  2. Wishing you both a speedy recovery and good health to enjoy the new house when it's complete.
  3. Excellent, looks like you're having fun with the Samyang. Great little lens
  4. Brendan @Kinch pointed this out to me. Nice surprise.๐Ÿ˜€ https://www.aapod2.com/blog/bat-b150-fireworks-9-panel-mosaic
  5. I hope it's a new sensor as then Zwo will do a version, however they've already responded by saying they don't have any plans as Sony don't have a mono version of the imx571 sensor. I would imagine though that if it were a debayered sensor then the cost would increase yet the mono version seems to be the same.
  6. Great image Alan, you've managed to extract plenty of detail.
  7. Thanks Brendan. Just goes to show that it's worth trying these targets in narrowband with colour cameras although I'm sure a mono would be more efficient. Thanks Mark.
  8. Amazing to be able to capture something like this with amateur equipment. Great idea and execution.
  9. Hi all, this image is essentially a first light with an Stc Duo narrowband filter i purchased almost two years ago. I found with my last camera the asi071 it produced large halos so i never bothered giving it a proper run out. Astro dark has just returned here in the south of Ireland๐Ÿ˜, but in its absence i thought it would be worth a try with the 2600. 130 * 180 second subs gain 100 Takahashi Epsilon 130 mounted on an AzEq6 Zwo Asi2600mc Processed in APP, PI and PS Richard.
  10. I really like this version, much more natural looking. You could probably bring in the black point a touch or lower the mid point, just watch the saturation as it will increase and i think you have it just right here.
  11. Hope the job situation stabilises for you.
  12. I think that's a good call. The 1600 and similar low noise mono cmos cameras have been revolutionary in astrophotography allowing very short narrowband exposures meaning you could get good results with mounts as modest as an Eq-3. It uses a flawed sensor however, the artifacts around bright stars are extremely ugly and i found the amp glow to be problematic too.
  13. I will get one when it comes out. I think it's going to be a wonderful camera.
  14. It's a super camera, it would want to be for the price. I haven't noticed any issues since i started using it in January. Zero amp glow, no reflection problems and nice deep wells. The cooling works brilliantly and a new anti-dew heater means Zwo have finally sorted their issues with condensation and frost on the sensor. It's a very sensitive camera too, the image below is just 3 hours with an Stc Duo narrowband filter.
  15. https://youtu.be/8dNADreK9_0?t=2753 Mono Aps-c on the way. Same sensor as the Asi2600mc and Qhy268c๐Ÿ˜ Start at 40:40
  16. ๐Ÿ˜‚ Should be extremely satisfying when you get it sorted.
  17. Great choice, i too love the images this sensor produces. Well wear.
  18. Hi all, this is just a quick process of what i got last night. First light with the Stc Duo filter and my Asi2600mc. This is just 3 hours in 3 minute subs at gain 100. No calibration yet and a very quick process. I got 8 hrs a couple of years ago with a 5nm Astrodon Ha and 3nm Oiii with the mono Asi1600 and this beats it with only three hours and no astro dark. There is a halo on some of the brighter stars caused by the filter but it's not too bad. Great potential i think.
  19. Here you go. https://www.dropbox.com/s/lropbcjtpycp06f/starless.tiff?dl=0 https://www.dropbox.com/s/6h8fok57715l2hi/horseheadfinal.tif?dl=0
  20. My eyes๐Ÿ˜ฏ that is some price for a filter. Specs look great however.
  21. Thanks Ciaran, certainly worth a look.
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