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Peter Drew

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Everything posted by Peter Drew

  1. Cheers Rick. I'm well aware of the "ins and outs" of binoculars/binoscopes having made them professionally for 40 years. I also have several models using refracting and reflecting optics from 50mm up to 300mm aperture. What I was looking for in the proposed SW50ED binoscope was one with minimal number of optics for straight through astro viewing for use on my modified zero gravity chair. The terrestrial application was simply because it's possible. ?
  2. Thanks Rick, from reports by others it seems that a focus can be achieved without cutting if a suitable diagonal is employed. I am proposing to make a straight through unit for use on a binochair or terrestrially with diagonals and a tripod.
  3. Thanks very much Derek, even keener to get a pair now.
  4. A Sky90 came close but it was so short already that another way had to be found. Top cuts so far have been a Vixen 4" Flourite and a 7" Astrophysics.
  5. Derek. Thanks for looking. The interest is because I'm hoping to make a better small astro binocular than those usually available, cementing often results in star images that look like fly impacts on a windscreen. I've contacted RVO concerning availability and they are out of stock until the end of July.
  6. The most obvious sign would be 3 separator tabs but some objectives have a ring separator so does not easily show up. I'm hoping it's not cemented.
  7. Any indication as to whether the objective is airspaced or cemented?
  8. Just waiting for them to come back in stock to purchase a couple for a binoscope. I have a keen hacksaw and a lathe so it shouldn't be a problem.
  9. Now that's what I call a playpen. ?
  10. A Celestron NexStar SE GOTO mount and tripod. (Thanks Chris). ?
  11. It already has a potential competitor, the Hiuni Smart Telescope.
  12. I'm seriously considering making a straight through or 90 degree astro binocular from a pair of these so any performance feedback is of great interest.
  13. It depends a lot on what sort of performance you want. Double stacking enhanses the contrast considerably at the cost of a much dimmer image calling for a cover over the head to enjoy satisfactorily visually. DS is very good for imaging, particularly for full solar disc images. I prefer the larger high resolution single stack aperture the same amount of outlay will provide. YMMV.
  14. You get a choice between a 114 Newtonian and the 90mm Maksutov. I chose the 114 as I already had a few 90mm Maks. The 114 is a very capable little telescope particularly for wide field use. The mount is probably one of the best table top variety, it's much more stable than most and its defining plus is that both axes can be overidden manually without upsetting the drive.
  15. I remember it as being the first time I was really pleased to see the eventual rain, I ran outside just to feel it again. Visitors from arid countries often envy our rainfall.
  16. Scorpio?, you'll only find that in the tabloids.
  17. Smoothe surfaces give smoothe movements, you just have to get the tension right.
  18. I've spent most of my life and money on astronomy. I've seen so many wonderful things and met so many wonderful people that I feel that every minute and penny have been well spent.
  19. The cheapest, easiest instant fix is to use a couple of rubber bands, one end fitted to the eyepiece locking screw and the other to a fixed part of the focuser. using the correct tension will keep the focusing action firm yet balanced.
  20. Whilst I wholeheartedly agree, the title is no good, the general thrust of the article must give food for thought to those who are not refractor diehards. I can't remember when I last used my 8.5" refractor whereas my 8" SCT was just yesterday.
  21. Excellent buy I would say. The OTA when last available new was £250.
  22. It's a variant of the catadioptric (lenses and mirrors to form the prime image) class of optical design. It has a primary mirror and a sub aperture corrector between the primary and secondary mirrors. A bit like a Maksutov but without a full aperture corrector. The system is "open" like a Newtonian and has a secondary support spider.
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