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Everything posted by RT65CB-SWL

  1. I do love these Explore Scientific filter boxes...


  2. I think depends on what you enjoy viewing the most. If like me, you live in a small flat/apartment and space is limited, then a Maksutov or SCT. They do not take up much storage space when not in use; (also easy to slew if you have a balcony [I do not] assuming it does not induce vibrations through the tripod/pedestal/mount to the OTA. A good quality achromatic refractor will be a better viewing experience, assuming it is the same aperture. It can also be stored 'out of sight' ...and depending on the size/aperture/case and also used on a balcony if you have the space to slew it. There are some amatuer astronomers that have conquered the downsides of living in a flat/apartment and have been able view the night sky from the confines of a balcony.
  3. Nothing wrong with second hand if you buy from SGL or UKAB&S. Most of my kit is from both sites, so you know what you are expecting. Two of my TeleVue 13mm’s are from SGL members There are a few Astro-dealers on that well known auction site that I would recommend too; (not sure if this is the place to advertise them). If you would like the details, then please do not hesitate to send me a PM.
  4. ...or are you able / prepared to go and venture down the 'Green & Black' rabbit hole ?
  5. 1x 2" LP filter & storage case via @Richard Hather to accompany my 2" variable polarising filter... (and Skywatcher 28mm e/p)...
  6. Assuming your OTA/eyepiece/accseesory combo is not to heavy, I use a a ball-head with my Manfrotto 055B tripod, (image below)... ...though I do like the TS AZ6 mount/head.
  7. My 're-mdded' ETX105 and 8" dovetail bar are held together by two Jubilee/hose rings...
  8. Hi Geoff / @Phillips6549 Good to see that you are projecting the Sun, rather than viewing it for a group. And talking of which, if anyone comes along to your viewing with one of these... ...hit it with a hammer or other tool ...and then tell them why you did it. Just my 2p's worth.
  9. The whole site is interesting. Has almost anything and everything covered.
  10. Also, DIY shops should have stock 'O' rings of various diameters. I purchased a few, a few years ago from the local hardware shop in Locks Heath* shopping centre. * Centre Way, Locks Heath, near Fareham, Hampshire, SO31 6DX.
  11. I have 2x Nikon DSLR's ...D40x and D80 - I have not yet attempted or done any astrophotography with either at the present time. Prior to that [and still use] a Nikon Coolpix 900 and an Olympus Camedia C2040.
  12. 1x 16G/byte (£4.96*) ---> and 1x 32G/byte (£6.63*) ---> SD memory card... ...for my Nikon D80 & D40x DSLR camera bodies. edit: forgot to mention they were purchased from https://www.morgancomputers.co.uk/ (price excludes VAT + P&P).
  13. Hi @pidgeyjake and welcome to SGL. If you do a lot of travelling between Geneva 🇨🇭 (GVA) & London 🇬🇧 (LDN), then I too think the Mak will be a good choice and it is just within the 'airline/airplane carry-on' rule if sensibly packed. I have a Meade backpack/rucksack ---> for transporting my 're-modded' ETX105 and a few eyepieces + accessories, (the mount and tripod gets packed in a suitcase/other), if I am relying on aircraft or public transport, etc. The are a few downsides to owning a Mak. Below is a few... notorious dew-magnets - a dew-shield is a must have accessory. take a longtime to cooldown - I usually leave mine for 30-40minutes minimum. narrow field of view. Another popular portable 'scope that has good reviews is the SkyWatcher Heritage 130p Flextube - https://www.firstlightoptics.com/beginner-telescopes/skywatcher-heritage-130p-flextube.html. BTW - my review of the review of the Meade backpack/rucksack is here...
  14. Orion Optics UK... https://www.orionoptics.co.uk/ ☎️ +44 1782 614200
  15. Hi @astronoam and welcome to SGL. Unfortunately the two major gas giants, i.e. Jupiter & Saturn are low down for Northern latitudes for a few years more, so views are far from perfect. I too am no expert on this, but here is my view/opinion. I once said to myself, years ago, I would never purchase a zoom eyepiece [the TeleVue Nagler 3-6mm zoom was an exception] I did purchase a 'cheap' 7-21mm zoom from AstroBoot. Many zoom eyepieces, the AFOV tends to get narrower with higher magnifications at shorter focal lengths. However, for 'grab & go' or to experiment different with focal lengths, they give you an idea of what a fixed e/p length can deliver magnification wise before purchasing a 'fixed' length e/p. <--- my 'cheap' 7-21mm zoom. <--- the TeleVue Nagler zoom.
  16. Well done @Nigella Bryant. To quote a well known supermarket chain... "Every little helps!"
  17. You could always get another moon filter and you then have a variable polarising filter, (bearing in mind they do come in various strengths depending on the brand, so try and get the same type that you already own), or buy one ready-made. Below is the variable polarising filter I use... ...or you could get a Baader neodymium filter. I call it the 'Swiss Army knife' filter as it does almost everything for visual observing. It is only when you are viewing some DSO's or astrophotography you may require specialist filters.
  18. Binoculars... My view looking East. I have to put up with this!
  19. Very nice. I am planning to do some too at some point. Are you using the Star Analyser 100 (SA100) ? What software are you using for the processing of the spectra ? BTW - if you want to get a screenshot within MS-Windows, press and hold the 'Windows logo' and 'Prt Scr/Sys Req' keys. The screen will dim or flash for a second when done. The image will be saved in the Screenshots folder and named 'screenshot (xx).png'
  20. Anyone tried one of these? I have no idea how this is going to perform... good or bad, (review to follow), but at under £35.00GBP inc. P&P from China 🇨🇳, I thought it is worth a punt. I am just reading the instructions leaflet and setting up on a smartphone/tablet... says it is 2.0 megapixel CMOS.
  21. I have been there too, but don't tell everyone! Seriously... one thing I like about the Baader Planetarium filter storage boxes/cases is the ability to stack them together 'side-by-side' or 'over & under'.
  22. At least you will be able to witness the transit of Mercury on 11th. November [2019] ...weather permitting.
  23. Hi guys. I use the Lunt solar wedge with a TeleVue Ranger, (image below), which is a 70mm semi-achromat. The reason I opted for the Lunt was the pre-installed/built-in ND3.0 filter. I find it is a lot safer than using a full aperture or off-axis solar filter. I used it with a variety of eyepieces with and without a 1.6x screw-on lens or a 2.8x Barlow lens without any issues. Though I am not sure though about the use of extender lenses. Hopefully someone can answer this.
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