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astro mick

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Everything posted by astro mick

  1. Thanks a lot.Much appreciated.
  2. Hi. After the deluge that lasted all day here yesterday,i got a bit of clear sky later in the evening around 10pm. I dashed out and turned the scope and camera to the Rosette. This is a total of 2hrs of 450 sec subs. This is just an image taken with a modded Canon 1000D DSLR. No H-Alpha was added to the image. Only Darks were applied. Cheers. Mick.
  3. Is it just me or can anyone access Atiks web page. Was down last night also. Think I have found the reason.!!!!
  4. Good point to make Carole i often make the same mistake. Astrotortilla crashes as well. A little patience is needed here I think. Mick.
  5. Lovely image Alan.Very unusual.Love the Flame. Mick.
  6. Thanks Alan. Yes we do often neglect these lovely objects.Good luck with M45,cant wait to see. Mick.
  7. HI all. Had a short window last night,as high cloud soon started rolling in.We are always battling the cloud. I thought I would have a go at a star cluster,something I rarely do.Gemini was starting to show its face,so I chose M35.I took two sets of images,one with my usual ED80/Atik 314L+,and another set using my old WO 66 with a 1000D canon. For both sets of images I took about an hours worth at 450 secs duration. The WD80 was an RGB image only. Bias,Darks and Flats were applied. I do like star spikes so I added these to my DSLR image,sorry if you do not like them. Also it was pretty cold. Image 1 is the 1000D and image 2 is the ED 80 Mick.
  8. Thanks Steve,yes the conditions could have been better,but in the UK grab anything. Mick.
  9. Thanks very much guys,really appreciate the comments. Mick.
  10. Your images are on a different level Steve.I think I might need a third book!!!!!!!! Great result. Mick.
  11. Very nice indeed David.I have just had ago at this myself,but on a much smaller image scale than your rendition.I do like both images,but in my humble opinion I prefer the bottom one. Mick.
  12. Hi Alan thanks,and please don't undersell yourself,i have seen your images,and mighty fine they are too. Visually I would tend to agree,but would have thought a 12 inch scope would have given a great view!!!!!!! Mick.
  13. Hi. Took this image of the crab over two nights,under a bright moon,but hey you have to make use of a clear sky moon and all. Anyway this was taken with my ED 80 and Atik 314L+. Its an LRGB/Ha image of two hrs per filter. The Lum and the Ha were blended to-gether to use as a full Luminance. Flats were essential as the dust bunnies on the Luminance were horrendous. Bias frames but not darks were also taken. Cheers. Mick.
  14. Thanks Martin,always appreciate your comments. I like it too. Mick.
  15. Hi. Often overlooked by its more famous neighbours IC417 is a small Nebulae,but still worth having a look at. This is an RGB image of around 4hrs with with 90 mins of Ha added to enhance the Nebulae.I never try and stretch too much,as I like to think this is a more natural balance,and maybe as it would be seen if close up.Of course I maybe totally wrong in my thinking. As usual calibrated with Bias and Flats. Mick.
  16. Cheers.Glad you liked it. Mick.
  17. Hi all. Thought I would try for the lovely face on spiral of M33.Nicely placed in the sky at the mo,and not needing a Meridian Flip.Depending of course how many hrs you spend on it. This is a LRGB/Ha image.I took 2hrs of data per filter,so a total of 8hrs all told. Fairly good skies for a change,which always helps. As usual calibrated with Bias and Flats only. Must one of the nicest Galaxies to view as well. Mick.
  18. Hi. Not spectacular,but this an image of mainly the Dark Nebulae running NW of the 6th mag star AB Auriga.Also involved with this star is a faint reflection Nebulae VDB-31.The starless region of this Dark Nebulae B 26-28 is quite intesting in its own right. I have,nt really pushed to bring out the Reflection Nebulae,but it can just be seen surrounding AB Auriga. This was taken using my ED 80 and Atik 314L+.I just did a straight RGB image of 2hrs per filter. Calibration frames of both Bias and Flats were applied. Cheers. Mick.
  19. Very nice indeed.This has the making of a good image. Mick.
  20. In the customs box where you inform AT of your settings,at the bottom you have to input a fairly lengthy line of letters,numbers.spaces and hyphens. I have missed an imput of 1 hyphen. It makes all the difference. Cheers. Mick..
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