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astro mick

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Everything posted by astro mick

  1. Hi. Can anyone help with this problem,i have been using AT for some time now and have found it a good piece of software. But recently I had to do a full removal of AT to see if it cured the problem I was having. After reloading the software still no luck. The software connects to the camera ok and seems to take the exposure,which I normally use about 30 secs,but its coming straight back with no solution after about 3.5secs. It does,nt display how many stars it has found or nothing. Totally baffled. I have reloaded the tables for my camera,but has made no difference. Do I need any other software other than the Astrotortilla its self. Appreciate any help. Mick.
  2. That's a cracking image Rodd,really nicely processed.Plus its something different. Mick.
  3. Very nice indeed Nadeem.A nice set of balanced colours as well.Shows the capabilities of the 130pds. Mick.
  4. Nothing wrong with that Adam.Lovely close up. Mick.
  5. Thanks very Martin,some very useful advice.Much appreciated. Mick.
  6. Hi Martin. Thanks. Yes I did a full process of the Ha channel,but when added to the Red channel it just swamped it to overwhelming RED.No I did,nt change the blend mode to lighten. As to the creating a Luminance form the HaRGB, I don't know how to. Their is little info out there on how to process HaRGB. If you know of some tips,please let me know. Mick.
  7. Hi. I think most of us got a good night on Monday,so decided to have ago at IC1848,also known as the Soul Nebulae in Cassiopia. This was taken with my ED80 and Atik 314L+ ccd camera. It is a HaRGB image,where the Ha was added to the Red Channel at about 50% opacity. I imaged for 2hrs per filter,and calibrated with Bias and Flats. Not much green and blue could be stretched out the images,and I did,nt stretch the red channel at all,as I knew the Ha would tend to swamp things. Anyway. Cheers. Mick.
  8. Hi Olly. I bet you have been sat on your hands,trying not to respond to the thread.But temptation often gets the better of us. I don't think,or implied that what we do is a competion,in fact all the title says (Its difficult to compete) which I still think it is. I did like the idea of a UK section,but this has been thought not to be practicle. Please don't remain below the parapet. Actually although the word compete,was,nt meant to imply a competition,but in reality that's what it is. They have to choose from amongst the photos which to include in the mag,theirfore the photo,s are in competion with each other.(I think). Anyway clear skies to all. Mick.
  9. Good on you Steve. I can understand the situation they find themselves in. I have on several occasions submitted to both Mags,although not at the same time,and as said never been successful,so recently have,nt bothered. Maybe time to re-submit,if I can get one fairly decent image I like. Mick.
  10. Thankyou and to everyone who responded to this thread. It has been extremely interesting. As I said in my opening sentence,that this was an observation on my part,and in no way was i applying any severe criticism. Mick.
  11. Exerllent as always Adam. Lovely mono images. Mick.
  12. Thanks a lot Sean,i really appreciate this comment. Yes I will. Mick.
  13. Thanks Daz. Maybe a bit harsh regarding the Baaders. Mick.
  14. Thanks Craney. Maybe in jest{LOL) but cheers. Mick
  15. Thanks Alan. Interested to read reviews of these new Filters. Mick.
  16. Hi. Been terrible weather here where I live,and not much imaging has been possible.As usual always battling the weather.(It really is a pain in the UK). I have decided that there is nothing to be gained when using lower end equipment in trying to image for more than about 2hrs per filter with a mono ccd.Even this can take several nights,and I don't see the returns for this effort. Without the resouces to buy astrodons,i find the Badaar and the Astronomik filters do not really cut it,especially O111. Others I,m sure will disagree. So this image was a total of 4hrs usinge the said Ha O111 filters. Taken with ED80 scope and an Atik 314L ccd. Calibrated with bias and Flats. It will do for me. Cheers. Mick.
  17. As I peruse my two monthly British Astro magazines,i,m finding more and more that the majority of the published astro photo,s are been taken abroad(Not all).Also by people using very expensive and high quality equipment.They also consist of a lot of imaging time well into double figure hours. Yes we do occasionally see , should I say beginners efforts,and why not indeed. I,m also noticing that a few names crop up again and again,very similar to a few names on this site.Now I am not at all criticising this,yes we all like to see the efforts of others people,but I think the magazines could try and balance this out a bit more and try too accommodate all levels. I,m sure they receive numerous photos eager for publication monthly. Now I know my efforts are not great,but I use relatively cheap low end equipment and battle UK skies.Needless to say my efforts have not been rewarded by the mags,and I do submit occasionally. No I,m not desperate to see my efforts in print,this is just an observation on my part. After all this is Amateur Astronomy. You may disagree. Interested in your thoughts. Mick.
  18. Thanks Charl. Yes very lucky. Mick.
  19. Hi. First time posting in the this section. Small break in the clouds around 2pm,grabbed an old 70mm achro refractor,a 12mm eyepiece,a piece of white card and a smart phone. Altered the colouration of the Sun and background to highlight Mercury. Well chuffed. Mick.
  20. I tend not to agree with most of the replys here. If you post an advert to sell you should check your emails or forum daily.If people are interested and take the time to reply to your add,you cant just ignore or go away on holiday without checking.Most people now have mobile phones.The person replying does,nt know if you have changed your mind/sold or whatever. The buyer does,nt know whether to move on and look elsewhere or not. My view anyway. Mick.
  21. Exerllent as always Adam. That's some interval between completion. Mick.
  22. Thanks Dave.Looking forward to seeing yours. Mick.
  23. Thanks Adam. This is 100 lt/yrs in length.Amazing. Mick.
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