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astro mick

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Everything posted by astro mick

  1. Hi. Still chasing Galaxies these light nights.This is= NGC5907 located in Draco.Nearly at the zenith this time of year. This is an LRGB image of 1.25hrs each. Using a WO 73 ED scope and Atik 314L+ ccd, also a Altair 60EDF with an Atik 16 ic. Fully calibrated. Cheers. Mick.
  2. That's a great image.You seem to be using this lens quite a lot,will this be your preferred choice for wide field shots.Nice processing too. Mick.
  3. Well one colour anyway. Just for a bit of fun I imaged M81 last night using a 102 mm Achromat at F9.8. This is 1.5 hrs in the Red channel. I think the Blue will be intresting though. You can see its a bit soft.(but for a long FL Achromat,not too shabby.) Mick. Don't take this image too seriously.
  4. I tried this,have to say yours is a lot better. Well done. Mick.
  5. Thanks for the additional info Alan.It is also very helpful as I do have a DSLR which I don't often use. Appreciate the time spent in replying to this. Mick.
  6. Always look forward to seeing your efforts Rod.You rarely disappoint. Beautiful. Mick.
  7. Hi. Thankyou so much for this detailed answer.It explains everything I wanted to know. Really appreciated. Mick.
  8. Hi. Anyone using this Flattener. If so could you let me know the correct back focus for the Flattener,and where exactly do you measure from. Its double dutch to me.🙄 Cheers. Mick.
  9. What a lot of stars.Always nice to see something new,instead of all the reproductions.😀 Mick.
  10. I look forward to the colour.I do notice very slight elongation in the stars.This is a pain most of us have until we find the cause. Nice job. Mick.
  11. Exerllent image,and well done.You have some good kit with what you have chosen. Mick.
  12. Hi. Took this image last night,under fairly clear skies,for a time anyway.Taken with a WO Zenithstar 73 and an Atik 314L+ ccd. Its a straight RGB image of 1 hour per filter in 300 sec subs.I did,nt want to blow the core. Calibrated with bias and flats,but no darks. Cheer. Mick.
  13. Thanks for the comments guys. Always appreciated. Mick. Likes as well.
  14. Hi. Took this on Thursday night,but the sky was so bright with the full Moon.Always willing to have a go I used my WO 73 at F6 to take about 3.5hrs worth of LRGB in 420 sec subs. I tried to sharpen the image a bit more,but the data is not good enough to stretch much further. I was in two minds whether to post,but why not. Cheers. Mick.
  15. Thanks guys appreciate the comments. Hi Nadeem,i used two scopes.ED 80 F7.5 and WO 73.Its not showing clipped when I check the histogram. I think you have hit the nail on the head Paul. Hi Lockie,yes I think your right it is showing a slight red cast. Thanks all. Mick. Oh thanks to the likes as well.
  16. Hi. Looking around the other night for something to turn my scope to, because the Moon was quite bright.I noticed Vega rising in the East so thought I,d do a quicky on M57. Usual scope and camera set up. LRGB image with about an hour per filter in 600 secs.Away from the Moon helped. I think the central star is just peeking through. I know its small scale,but that's my scope set up really. Cheers. Mick.
  17. Hi. Hickson 44 is a small group of Galaxies in Leo.They are NGC 3185/3187/3190/3193.NGC 3190 is the edge on Galaxy at the centre of the image.They are roughly 80million lt/yrs away. I imaged this small group of Galaxies over two nights with my WO 73 and a x0.8 reducer.I think in hindsight I could have dispensed with the reducer,and just imaged at F5.9. It is an LRGB image of 2hrs per filter.I have,nt processed this image too hard other than slight stretches in photo-shop,and slight saturation of the stars. Fully calibrated with bias darks and flats. I am not too sure whether my stock reducer is coping well,as I,m not too happy with the stars,and may invest in the matched reducer for this scope. Cheers. Mick.
  18. Very nice detail in the Galaxy. Mick.
  19. Nice detailed image here Carole,a little on the softside for me,but you mention noise so that could explain it. Still very good. I have to admire your,and others stamina at imaging into the small hours,i,m usually falling asleep at 1am,and hate leaving a clear sky,but think I would regret if I stayed up much later.Some astronomer I am. Mick.
  20. That is lovely.Great framing and a nice clean image. Well done. Mick. Oh and stars are perfect.
  21. Very nice indeed Gina,and I always enjoy reading your posts. Mick.
  22. Very nice indeed.Well done. Mick.
  23. Your usual exerllence Adam,and great dedication at 20hrs. Love it. Mick.
  24. Thanks guys,your comments are uplifting. Mick.
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