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Statue of Liberty Nebula - April 2018


I was going through some of my old subs, looking at which subs I have processed and finished with to delete as I'm starting to fill up all of my HDDs. I came across the subs for this beauty that I exposed during March & April 2018.

This image of The Statue of Liberty & Giant Molecular Cloud was imaged in narrowband (SII, HII & OIII) using a full spectrum modded Canon 40D DSLR through a 8" SCT @ f6.3 (1280mm focal length).

This image consists of two nebulae in the line of sight, NGC3603 and NGC 3576, also known as "The Statue of Liberty" nebula.

NGC 3576 (also known as Gum38 and The "Statue of Liberty nebula"), the nebula on the right, is a giant Halpha region in the constellation of Carina resembling the shape of the famous statue in New York, and is about 9,000 light years from Earth. Shows shredded clouds torn apart by nearby X-Ray source winds.

The nebula on the left is NGC 3603. The Hubble Space Telescope presents it showing that it contains one of the most massive young clusters in the Milky Way. It is further away from Earth than NGC 3576 at an estimated distance of 20,000 light years, they are separated by more than 11,000 light years even though they look like close neighbors in the image above.


© Mariusz Goralski
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