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Everything posted by xtreemchaos

  1. From the album: 2015.

    took with 200p +sony a37 staxed and jacked

    © anyone

  2. NOno no no im not complaning no no No not me #####! weather.

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Moon-Watcher


      Its raining in Swansea dude. But there again, it ALWAYS does...

    3. xtreemchaos


      hi ya mark,if we take away the acid heat and pressure from venus, south wales shares a lot in common...

    4. Moon-Watcher
  3. From the album: 2015.

    my first widefeild shot with ed80.1x 30sec ex
  4. hes a hansome chap,good image mate. charl.
  5. xtreemchaos


    water low to start dolars breeding.
  6. xtreemchaos


    From the album: fishtank

    my clown knife fish called one eyed [removed word]
  7. From the album: fishtank

    water low with black water addy to get dollars breeding
  8. xtreemchaos

    new ed setup.

    My new setup.
  9. From the album: new ed setup.

    AR127+ED80 and bits.
  10. From the album: new ed setup.

    AR127L + ED80 and bits.
  11. xtreemchaos

    Astro Kit

    yer i do the same, eq5 is a cool mount,i have thought of going to eq6 but i manage with eq5 so i carnt see the sence in spending the money but maybe one day i will have to depends what scopes have in future but im happy with what i have at the moment..charl
  12. xtreemchaos

    Astro Kit

    very nice setup mate.im often overloaded but with some good balancing i can get away with it.thanks for sharing.charl.
  13. today my son and daughter are both compeating in MAN VS HORSE at bith wells, i wonder what the outcome will be?

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. emadmoussa


      Yeah, bigger than I expected to be.;

    3. xtreemchaos


      both and toby have finish race safe ,dont know were thay come yet untill all the times are sorted,but me thinks thay have done good.

    4. xtreemchaos


      race update.maddy&toby came 18th charlie is in the top 10 but still waiting for time to sorted to find out where.

  14. what a cool mod ,looks perfect, are you going to varnish it when finnshed to weatherprooth it?.thanks for sharing...charl.
  15. OK whos brought something new ,wall to wall cloud.

  16. under 2 weeks to go until the nights starts to get longer "yipee"

    1. Show previous comments  9 more
    2. jabeoo1
    3. Gutross


      atliest have one day a week to shut down the lights acorss the board for people to reallt get a grasp of whats over their heads. my daughter looks up and sees the moon and the stars and ohh and ahhhs. when looking through a scope she jumped for joy watching jupiter, and the detail on the moon! how would she react if she could see the brilliant band that is our milky way

    4. xtreemchaos


      if only,all the bigwigs in our world go on about carbon emisions and globle warming,this is a clear cut way to cut our carbon footprint and no one in gov seams interested.

  17. great post mate,im a star map man myself"i like the hunt" but this will be helpfull to people thinking of getting a got system.
  18. im getting Frac fever again after looking at"show us your Frac"

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Gutross


      I have been eying up Maks myself, of course the ones i drool over (LX200) ill never be able to afford but its nice dreaming

    3. xtreemchaos


      i missed a chance for lx200 a while ago ,there a very nice scope.

    4. xtreemchaos


      Luke which mak are you getting?.

  19. wow theres some cracking fracs on here im well out classed.
  20. xtreemchaos


    i think cats are great i can really connect with them,my wife got me him cos i have a illness the dos not let me go out in the sunshine and he carnt go out with having no fur so we spend 24 7 together "apart from when im out with my scope at night". Savannahs are cool cats too.
  21. clouds clouds everywhere and not a star insight

    1. Show previous comments  17 more
    2. xtreemchaos


      Do you have a shelter near by,we get the odd hurricane but there nothing like a tornado I agree thay look very scary.

    3. Gutross


      no shelters, just hope that it does not come our way!

    4. xtreemchaos


      I see Oklahoma was hit bad lastnight, keep safe mate.

  22. xtreemchaos


    Hi mate he's a boy,we have had him for nearly 3 years,my wife got me him for my birthday,he's a sphynx cat that dont behave like a cat there more like a dog he likes to retrieve stuff,he's about the size of a large kitten fully grown.glad you like him,thanks for the comment.all the best.charl &Smegul . .
  23. after a week of hell with this bug im ready to skywatch again,"give me clear skys".

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