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Everything posted by laudropb

  1. Hello and a warm welcome to the SGL. What kind of Sun filters came with the scope ? If they are the type that fit to the eyepieces DO NOT use them. In fact they are so dangerous to use you should discard them.
  2. Hello Katie. I would say that warm gloves and a warm hat will be very much appreciated come the winter.
  3. laudropb


    Hello and a warm welcome to the SGL.
  4. laudropb

    Hello again !

    Hello and a warm welcome back.
  5. Hello and a warm welcome to the SGL.
  6. I am afraid the Earth cloud alert means I have little chance of seeing this Jeremy.
  7. laudropb


    Hello and a warm welcome to the SGL.
  8. Nice shots Chris. Where they taken from your new Obsy ?
  9. laudropb

    Hi there!

    Hello and a warm welcome to the SGL.
  10. Good advice from John. I would just add that you should use the fluid sparingly and always put onto the cloth, never directly on to the eyepiece.
  11. Hello and a warm welcome to the SGL.
  12. laudropb

    Hi everybody!

    Hello and a warm welcome to the SGL.
  13. laudropb


    Hello and a warm welcome to the SGL.
  14. laudropb

    Hi there :)

    Hi. I hope you mean astronomy and not astrology lol. Welcome to the SGL.
  15. Hello and welcome to the SGL. The mini DOB would be a good choice. I would stay away from the national Geographic scopes.
  16. Hello and a warm welcome to the SGL.
  17. Hello and a warm welcome back
  18. Nice to see you back Charl. Lovely pics. Been clouded here for the last few days so I have not had a chance to look.
  19. laudropb

    New here

    Hello anda warm welcome to the SGL.
  20. Lovely sketch Alan. Got a quick view of the AR in Ha earlier this morning but the clouds rolled before I could set up for WL. Hopefully it’s forecast to clear later this afternoon.
  21. Another nice report Stu. I think the seeing last night was the best I have had during this Mars apparition. I used my 8 inch Dob on an equilateral platform and I found it much easier to tweak out the detail when tracking as opposed to following the planet using slo mo controls.
  22. Hello and a warm welcome to the SGL. I sympathise with your problem of living in a flat. Carrying the DOB up and down the stairs is just not practical. Unfortunately you would have much the same problem with the Newtonian and mount. The 120 frac is also quite a heavy scope but could be carried in a case. I would seriously consider the Skywatcher heritage 150 although with that you would need some kind of table to sit it on. I would also not dismiss a Mak out of hand. They are extremely portable and give very nice mid to high power views.
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