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Everything posted by Floater

  1. Welcome. I hope you have lots of fun. 🙂
  2. Welcome. I hope you have lots of fun. 🙂
  3. Welcome. Hope you have lots of fun. 🙂
  4. Welcome. Hope you have lots of fun. 🙂
  5. David, I’m just going to show your cases to Mrs Floater - just to indicate a benchmark, y’know ... 😈 Lovely collection. 👍
  6. Floater

    Hello everyone

    Welcome. Hope you have lots of fun with the hobby. 🙂 +1 for the observing chair. 👍
  7. Aw! All this way and still no further! I’m beside myself ... 😈 Well, not really, but I am intrigued as to what you’re trying to figure out. Gonna open the door a bit on the ‘real question’, Steve?
  8. Mine is a BF1200 so not sure if this is relevant but scope side is green. S/N 20143040. Just as extra information, the EP side of my 1200 is red and during a back and fore email conversation with Lunt customer service some time back I was told that the green side should be towards the scope. Hope you find the answer to whatever it is you seek.
  9. Welcome. Have lots of fun on your journey. 🙂 And you’re right: the 200P is a very good place to start. (The sunbed will be no use with it, though ... )
  10. I feel it only fair that I give a thumbs up for David Hinds Ltd, of Leyton Buzzard. They didn’t supply me with any kit but did quickly supply me with information. I emailed asking how one should pronounce Baader - Bahder or Bayder? Dr Lee Sproats replied extremely promptly and deserves acknowledgement for quick ‘customer satisfaction’. ? For those who care (sad souls like me?), Lee says there is no consensus on pronunciation - Bahder, Bayder or, even, Badder(!) are acceptable, apparently. But there is a consensus on what constitutes customer care, in all its forms ... and I received some.
  11. I have only the 2.5x Powermate so can’t compare anything. But my PM rocks! ?
  12. Floater


    Welcome. Have lots of fun.
  13. Welcome to SGL. The above extremely quick and erudite posts are testament to the fact that you’ve found a good place to be. Have fun. ?
  14. Welcome. Have fun with the dark art ...
  15. Very nice, SG. Welcome to SGL. Hope you have fun with the forum. ?
  16. Bonny indeed, Gavin. Still something special about the 85, though - especially with Starbeam finder and dual focuser. ?
  17. And the pictures of your collection are testament to the efficacy of your method, John. ?
  18. Hmmm ... Something not hanging together here. ?? p.s. Have used the same company. Thumbs up. ?
  19. Hi, Mark. I think Peter has hit the nail on the head. I’m visual only and enjoy the extra ‘teasing out’ of detail that the DS set-up affords. The difficulty in answering your question is that your take on ‘worth the additional cost’ can only be subjective ... and you can only know once you’ve tried it! Any way you can arrange a test view somehow? Perhaps at a shop (the outlay for the etalon justifies any trip) or do you know anyone or any club that might help?
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