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Status Updates posted by hobsey

  1. Thats it, I'm moving abroad. I've had enough of this awful weather.

    1. tingting44


      take me with you!!! PLEASEEEEEEEEEEEEE, lets move to mhhhhhh say alaska....sounds good dont it :D we could gold mine to fund our obs haha

    2. hobsey


      No, No. I'm thinking more like all year shorts and t-shirt observing.

    3. tingting44


      yeah, but, yeah, but, we could get the northern lights lovely from alaska looool :D

  2. The more I use my 127mak, the more I prefer it to my C8.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. hobsey


      Yeah, the C8 is just too powerful to use in residential areas. Picks up too much turbulence.

    3. michael.h.f.wilkinson


      Not had such problems with my C8. Gets most nighttime use.

    4. emadmoussa


      I had the C11, and if anything...I doubt I'll ever go back to having a Schmidt Cassegrain without having another scope as a back-up...side by side next a refractor and a reflector, the SCT failed to achieve the same amount of contrast...it wasn't that bad on planets though.

  3. Think I have bitten of more than I can chew with this mount. Hope I haven't made an expensive mistake.

  4. Thinking about making a barn door tracker.

    1. ronin


      Half reasonable picture of one (right down at the end of the page) if you need it: http://www.garyseronik.com/

    2. hobsey


      Cheers Ronin, may have ago at that one.

      Its got quite a detailed building guide.

    3. ronin


      Sheer chance that I had looked for mirrors for someone and that was at the end of the page, thought it looked quite nicely made. Haven't looked at the guide - OK didn't realise they had one. May go get a copy for myself then.

  5. This weather is really trying my patience!!!

    1. jabeoo1


      I am with you on that mate.

  6. To get up or not to get up for the eclipse? that is the question.

    1. Psychobilly


      It's a few years until the next one.... 2033?

    2. Matthew


      I'm not even going to bed until it's over

  7. Tube rings and mounting bar arrived. Got some modifying to do.

  8. Typical, near enough a full moon and bonfire night tonight and its predicted clear skies.

  9. Typical, no work tomorrow and no clear skies this evening.

  10. Typical, there's been a number of clear nights and some clear nights coming up but it doesn't get really dark until stupid o'clock.

    1. ronin


      It is not really getting "dark" until about midnight, which in turn means it is getting light about 2:00. Don't mind the short window but it is a bit inconvenient.

    2. sbj


      Wanted: Summer days, but dark nights. Do I need to move?

  11. ummm, to sell up or not. That is the question.

    1. Show previous comments  10 more
    2. Gartut200


      You have the South Downs not far from you. Is there a place you can use there?

    3. Qualia


      I figure it's more a disposition of heart, so to say. I don't own a car. I don't have a garden. I live in a city. But there's no way any of that is preventing me from getting out with my scope. If the heart's not into it, so be it.

    4. rory


      ive regreted selling my gear Hobsey. but you gotta go with what you feel.

  12. Up at 5 this morning. 3 planets in 1 hour, Saturn, Mars and Jupiter.

    1. Christopher Davenport

      Christopher Davenport

      Nice, glad to hear it.

      I was up between 1am and 4am.

      So I missed Saturn!

    2. hobsey


      Makes me want my larger scope now. Saturn was at a good angle.

  13. Up early in the morning to go and have a look at Mars and Saturn.

  14. Want my new scope so badly. Need to sell more stuff.

  15. Want russ.wills 305mm Dob in the classifieds.

  16. Want to go out and play with the Star Adventurer but the moon stops play.

  17. Want to sell my C8 and CG5-GT for a pre owned CPC9.25 but I don't think my other half would be too happy.

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. terry67


      worry about it later

    3. Phil Fargaze

      Phil Fargaze

      Just say that it is specially designed for not having a garden and that a happy half makes a happy whole!

    4. michael.h.f.wilkinson


      Just say you gave the C8 steroids

  18. Wants to go out and play but clouds wont allow it.

  19. Well chuffed, got offered a new job today.

  20. Well done McIlroy on winning the Open.

  21. Well, what a surprise. Opposition of Saturn over the weekend and the weather is going to be seriously pants.

    1. jabeoo1


      Yeah I love this hobby. I suppose we should be grateful we are alive to see at all. ;)

    2. MND


      I cxan only really get out now weekends and this one will be another blow out.

  22. Went to go and spend some money down at The Telescope House only to find that they are not open on Saturdays anymore. What is that all about?!

    1. swamp thing

      swamp thing

      Thats a strange idea for a shop that makes most of its sales to a hobby market

    2. hobsey


      Isn't it just. Going to email them to see if its permanent. It maybe the terms to the lease on their new premises.

  23. Went to the Dunsfold Supercar event today, took all my photography with me to take some great snaps of lambos, zondas and such like. Went to take my first snap and lo and behold, I left my memory card at home. Was not happy.

  24. With the winds tonight, I think it will be a spot of observing with the bins.

    1. Knight of Clear Skies

      Knight of Clear Skies

      Probably a good plan.

    2. jabeoo1


      Yep thats the way! I decided against the dob on the way home whilst driving.

  25. With this horrendous weather never ending, I may have to forget astronomy for a while and concentrate on photography.

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