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Status Updates posted by hobsey

  1. Canon 300mm f4 L IS on its way. :)

  2. Canon 7D mkii incoming.

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. wxsatuser
    3. Psychobilly


      Have fun just don't expect miracles in bad light that's where FF really comes into it's own...

    4. hobsey


      Don't worry Pete, I did think long and hard about my choice, I just hope it's the right one.

  3. Celestron CG-5 GT. Do I or don't I? So tempted, other half says get it.

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. allcart


      Are you a masochist ?? Its a nice mount

    3. allcart


      I wish I hadn't sold mine.

    4. hobsey


      Oh don't, I'm feeling sick with the guilt of buying it, even though I haven't bought it yet.

  4. Clear skies tomorrow evening. Is there anyone from my neck of the woods going to be out?

  5. Couldn't bring myself to sell it.

  6. Country Files weather says clear skies for next weekend. We will see.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Stargazer33


      ROFLMAO - an eight day forecast...oh that's good, hang on, I'm crying so much with laughter I can't see to tpye!!!

    3. hobsey


      Ok, up until friday night then with possible frost for the weekend.

    4. Phil Fargaze

      Phil Fargaze

      A nice clear frosty night sounds good to me. Fingers crossed.

  7. Damn it. I had better find somewhere that has a dew band in stock for tomorrow night.

  8. Dear Santa, sod the gifts could I just have some good clear skies over the christmas period. Many thanks.

    1. tingting44


      HERE YE....HERE YE....

      +2....ill have some of that :)

  9. Decided on a Canon 'L' lens for imaging instead of a scope.

    1. Show previous comments  8 more
    2. hobsey


      Yeah, cheers for giving me the heads up about it. More expensive than the scope but will work out better for me in the long run.

    3. Psychobilly


      Works well with the 1.4 and 2.0x extenders as well... and extension tubes for macro...


    4. hobsey


      Yeah, been looking at them. I think the 1.4 will be next years purchase.

  10. Decisions, decisions. Thinking about selling the ST80 to fund a pair of bins.

    1. Ant


      Buy another ST80 and turn them into binos? Lol

    2. hobsey


      Now there an idea! I'm sure its been done before.

      Want the binos for portability more than anything, also to keep in the car.

  11. Don't think I'm going to be able to try out my new bins this evening.

  12. Done my first lot of planetary imaging last night. Just looked at the results, not happy.

    1. tingting44


      mars or saturn? whats up with the data?

    2. hobsey


      Everything was just a bubbly mess from the heat rising from the houses and I couldn't get the focusing right. A revelation r&p is on the cards for next planetary season.

    3. jnc71106


      if your serious about planetary imaging then a motorised focuser is the best investment you can make

  13. Dunno which imaging frac to get.

    1. Show previous comments  7 more
    2. hobsey


      I've been waiting for one to come up on the used market but I think I may have to buy new as they very rarely come up.

    3. Earl


      The new Williams with field flattener built in looks good the ZS71 has a bit of blue bloat to deal with.

    4. hobsey


      Yeah, I just don't have that sort of money though.

  14. f6.3 focal reducer on it way.

  15. For anyone that is interested. 127Mak reduced in classifieds.

  16. Get in! First ever tax rebate. Mmm, what to buy?

    1. tingting44


      nice one buddy! thats where my funds came from this year for my HEQ5 :D

  17. Get in! Won a 400mm camera lens on ebay ready for next weeks Redbull Air Race.

    1. Show previous comments  7 more
    2. Christopher Davenport

      Christopher Davenport

      You two are like kids in a candy store :)

    3. hobsey


      Yep. Maybe getting on towards middle age but still young at heart.

    4. tingting44
  18. Getting bored of all the Aurora talk now.

    1. Gartut200


      I know one episode would of done it!. How about talk about finding Messier objects and double stars!

    2. tingting44


      im loving it :D

  19. Getting cloudy out there, camera at the ready for some lightening shots.

  20. Getting really sick of this weather now. It's December, where is the cold, clear, crisp days gone? I can handle the cold, hate the wet.

    1. pipnina


      California neb, Pleiades & orion are getting into good places in the sky early now. Not observed the area properly at all yet and it's bugging me.

  21. Going to have my first go at imaging Jupiter tonight. Fingers crossed all goes well.

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. JessicaFaye


      All you can do is try! fingers crossed

    3. todd8137


      How did/is it going ?


    4. hobsey


      Terrible, couldn't get it tracking properly to get a long enough run so I could adjust the settings on sharpcap.

  22. Good day out at Brands Hatch. 615 photos in RAW to sort through, most will probably get deleted.

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. tingting44


      nice one, were you trying panning? ive not tried panning yet, looks very cool

    3. hobsey


      Yes, with terrible results.

    4. griz11


      MotoGP for me next weekend. I went to Brands once as a kid. I love shooting motorsports. Tried the slow exposure panning for the first time at the Pirelli Challenge. Some pretty good shots lots of throw aways but the good ones are really good with the blur on the tires and background.

  23. Got a week booked off work in September when there is a new moon. Better start looking at Dark Sky campsites.

    1. tingting44


      the forecast is cloudy for then ....

    2. hobsey


      Knowing my luck, it probably will be.

  24. Had a scope now for nearly 2 months and still haven't used it. One expensive ornament may be up for sale.

  25. Had first light last night until 3 this morning. Jupiter looked amazing with 3 moons.

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