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Everything posted by Saganite

  1. A lovely image, and amazing for your first attempt...
  2. Congratulations Marki, a truly wonderful telescope !👍
  3. Saganite

    Hi SGL!

    Hi, welcome to the forum...
  4. Hi Neil, A very nice session with many favoured targets. I have not seen the 'Pup' for a very long time and not for the want of trying....
  5. Good on ya Mark, very much look forward seeing to your images .
  6. Sorry Richard, probably no help at all but if I have to choose just one, it will be without doubt the diamonds in an awesomely scary background of stars, the Double Cluster.
  7. Sound advice, and all you can really do. Asking 80% or higher is not being greedy, it is still a loss on what you paid, but it is probably not going to happen unless somebody wants the item so badly and cannot source it. That is chance that you can take. I recently paid 80% for a pair of eyepieces which are still available at various outlets, FLO included, but I knew the Vendor very well and his promise that they were less than six months old and pristine, I accepted. When they arrived you would not have been able to distinguish them had they come direct from FLO or RVO or anyone else, and so I had saved 20% and had effectively brand new eyepieces. You have to 'suck it and see'.
  8. Saganite

    Hi SGL!

    As a dedicated, visual only , stargazer, I am only too pleased to welcome anyone with the knowledge and patience to dabble in the art of Astrophotography. Your images look PDG to me, welcome .......
  9. You can machine wash with other laundry , I have done them that way without any problems, many times.
  10. I bought this book in the summer of 2017 at a lecture given on the subject during a BAA event in our town. It is en excellent book , the sort you just love to own.... I am not in to imaging, but I enjoy seeing the effort imagers go to. I think there are a few I might be able to see with a 12" Dob, but not many in this book I think.
  11. Excellent Stu. Over the three evenings that I have been out this week I have had some lovely views of the Hadley Rille, always a pleasure, as is the Montes Apeninus
  12. Hello Roy, I hope you are well. I am happy now that it is force whether by a blow or by pressure as you suggest that has caused the damage, not by Solar heat. Thanks for your input.
  13. I have had a look at your suggestion of Conchoidal fracture Heather and it is clear from this and the corroboration from Shimrod and Vlaiv that a blow of some kind, but certainly a force is the cause and not solar heat as I suspected, so thank you all......👍
  14. Fabulous images Pete. 👍 I was out earlier looking at the Moon and it made a pass right above me , at least I assume that was what I saw.
  15. The seeing is not that good here tonight, about 90x is sharp but not any higher. There is also cloud moving in so I may have to be thankful for Monday and Tuesday.
  16. Thank you. I will have to look that one up later when the clouds arrive and I am forced to come in....
  17. Both refractors have had good sessions on Monday and Tuesday, so I also have the 12" Dob out tonight.
  18. That's one on the list I had not done but did last night quite by accident...
  19. Thanks for your input, but as you say, from experience, which I can confirm, the ED100 is air spaced.
  20. That is interesting. I had discounted that as there is not a single tiny shard missing, totally smooth all round but what you say makes sense and is confirmed I think by Vlaiv. Thanks for that
  21. The one shown John is the rear or inner element, the outer element I have tucked away and it is pristine. I bought the whole scope for a ' song '. The doublet in the ED100 is air spaced. Before I took it apart I tried it out and was astonished at how well it still worked.
  22. A great set of images Nik, but I particularly like the last one, Montes Apenines, and you have got the Hadley Rille superbly, excellent....👍
  23. A few years ago I bought a damaged ED100 for a project. It cost me practically nothing and actually worked surprisingly well, but I replaced the doublet with a TAL doublet. It has always intrigued me how the damage was caused. If you handle this lens with eyes closed you would never guess that there was a problem, all the fractures being inside, and I wonder if this has been caused by exposure to the Sun. The outer lens of the doublet is perfect and I cannot bring myself to use it but this lens makes an amazingly good magnifying glass for star charts. Can anyone venture an opinion ?
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