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Everything posted by Saganite

  1. Well done Chris, so pleased for you.. Steve
  2. Thank you Martin for all the helpful emails ! I wish you both a long and happy retirement Steve
  3. The Vixen LV's are a superb range of eyepieces and over the years I have had some really fine pairings, but alas sold them on. The 20mm eye relief is a real plus. Nice one Dave...
  4. I find a new pleasure in observing into the small hours in just shorts and a loose shirt instead of all the clobber that I put on for the winter. The night sky is still full of delights.
  5. A very fine and capable set of glass Dave...
  6. Very nice collection Dave and the Axioms look full of quality, quite appealing !
  7. Amazing images Trevor! The Vallis Alpes rille, highlighted as a challenge by mikeDnight, can be clearly seen.
  8. Thanks for pointing out this challenge Mike. I spent almost 90 minutes last night ( 22/4 ) on this with my f15 and bino at a mag of circa 200x, and felt almost 'cross eyed' by the time I packed in just before 1.0 am. I didn't get it. The line of small craters along the rille were very strong with evident shadow but your point about illumination of the valley floor is the key I think. In moments of sharpest seeing I felt I may have got a brief glimpse of it where it is sharpest and deepest across the small basin, but certainly not enough to prove resolution, so I will keep trying as the opportunities arise. I noted five craterlets in Plato and the seeing was pretty good.
  9. Thanks for posting Rob, very nice, a favorite of mine.
  10. I must second that ! Enjoyable read Luke, thanks.
  11. I have one of those posh holding onny thingies Stu, had it for six months in fact, so I am going to try it out tonight.....
  12. I observe Lunar planets and Globular clusters with a binoviewer 99% of the time. Deep sky and double stars with a single eyepiece. I am quite happy to mix both in a session, or not, according to what I want from the session.
  13. I am not an imager so I cannot comment on the technical aspect but I think it is a lovely shot. I would put it on my wall !
  14. The Moon is rock steady at 226x which bodes well for tonight so long as the clouds stay away. Both my refractors lined up almost perfectly without adjustment, which was a nice surprise.
  15. Excellent observing John ,really superb !
  16. A really lovely image Adrian. Congratulations on the new Observatory....👍
  17. A lovely image, and amazing for your first attempt...
  18. Congratulations Marki, a truly wonderful telescope !👍
  19. Saganite

    Hi SGL!

    Hi, welcome to the forum...
  20. Hi Neil, A very nice session with many favoured targets. I have not seen the 'Pup' for a very long time and not for the want of trying....
  21. Good on ya Mark, very much look forward seeing to your images .
  22. Sorry Richard, probably no help at all but if I have to choose just one, it will be without doubt the diamonds in an awesomely scary background of stars, the Double Cluster.
  23. Sound advice, and all you can really do. Asking 80% or higher is not being greedy, it is still a loss on what you paid, but it is probably not going to happen unless somebody wants the item so badly and cannot source it. That is chance that you can take. I recently paid 80% for a pair of eyepieces which are still available at various outlets, FLO included, but I knew the Vendor very well and his promise that they were less than six months old and pristine, I accepted. When they arrived you would not have been able to distinguish them had they come direct from FLO or RVO or anyone else, and so I had saved 20% and had effectively brand new eyepieces. You have to 'suck it and see'.
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