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Pig last won the day on June 11 2018

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  1. Question for anyone with some experience with this mount: During my inital start up the mount does its "calibration" and after its done that and all the information (date, time, lat, long, etc.) appears to be correct I select enter to verify information is correct then the scope with start to slew to a target, naming the star and its magnitude its going to.  The problem I am having is that where the scope ends up is no where near the named star.  When I do try to slew to the named star with the HP it will only allow me to move the scope in the Ra + or - .  I beleive this is how it is intended, according to the manuel.  The "level bubble" is pointed towards the south.  I have tried this several times and always the same result.  I eventually get the goto funtion working using the two star alignment metod but the scope is still slewing too far out of the FOV, even a 25mm eyepiece doesn't always get it.  Any suggestions?

    1. Pig


      I read somewhere in the manual that after attaching the scope or scopes set the mount to the zero position, which I did, and all works fine. I only had to do this once. (until I changed the scope position and I had to do it again)

      I do not select enter when I start it up I just let it do its thing and centre the brightest object as prompted.

      The level bubble must be in the middle, the sentence is a little misleading as it says "bubble level"  in brackets next to the term south. Its basically saying one end of the scope must point up and the opposite end down. it must be an American thing !!


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