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Everything posted by wouterdhoye

  1. Nice images. Light haze and morning hours are often an indicator of good seeing. haze might cost you a little contrast. but bad seeing often looses a loot more contrast. Wouter.
  2. Steve, A bathinov mask will get you close. but it's not accurate enough for final focus. I focus by looking at fine detail like crater terrases, rilles, craterlets, etc. When these pop in and out of focus all the time you are accurately focused. A motorized focuser is advisable; if you have to focus by hand you will have to wait until all vibration is gone before making another adjustment. Wouter.
  3. Ok.. Yesterday night was a night to remember. At least in my books it was a night of very good seeing. All images taken with CFF CC300f/20 + ASI 174MM +baader IR685 all images were 10% stacked out of 5000 frames. Processing in AS!3, Lynkeos and adobe Photoshop CC Below a nice collection of images I shot. let's start with Clavius (ok.. I posted this one earlier 😀 ) Moretus Plato, Alpine valley A 3-panel mosaic of Ptolemaeus, Alphonsus, Arzachel and Rupes recta Schiller Tycho Bullialdus Copernicus: Hainzel: Mare Humorum, with the magnificent Gassendi: Sinus Iridum: And if you read all the way down here: A mosaic of the Southern highlands: Enjoy the images. Clear skies, and good health. Wouter.
  4. Considering equipment a very nice image. Digiscoping is not easy.
  5. A magnificent series of images. Well done, Thanks for sharing. I'm still processing mine. Seeing was really good. i think I made some of my best shots ever! Wouter.
  6. Very nice images. however to my personal taste maybe a tad to bright.
  7. Hi, passed night seeing was quite good, and libration was quite favorable for the southern highlands. So what does a lunartic image than? Yes, offcourse, CLAVIUS. I believe below is probably one of my best images of this majestic crater. Alos on this image: Longomontanus, Moretus, Scheiner, and many more. captured using my trusty CFF CC 300f/20, ASI174MM, and a baader IR-pass 685 filter. stacking: AS!3 10% of 5000 frames Processing: Lynkeos, Adobe phootoshop CC 2020. Enjoy the image! Clear skies, and good health! Wouter. P.S. more image will follow 😀
  8. A absolutley lovely image. The illumination of the moon was excellent too. processing imo is spot on.
  9. That's a terrific image. resolving the rille in vallis alpes is no small feat, and you resolved the craterlets in plato quite well too. 👍 Wouter.
  10. Hi, Not a big mosaic, I don't make those every night 😉. Nonteheless a high res image of the Rima hyginus, Triesnecker area. the depressions in Rima Hyginus are well resolved, as are many tiny craters next too it. Some of those around or even less than 1km. Inspecting and measuring using the LROC quickmap showed me that resolution is in the ballpark of 700m. Click thumbnail for the real thing. enjoy. CC welcome. Wouter.
  11. The ED120 dealt quite well with the 3x barlow. Nice images 👍 Wouter.
  12. No, I use AS!3 only for stacking. sharpening is done in lynkeos and Photoshop.
  13. Yes. But drizzle 1,5x only is worth the effort when you are slightly below critical sampling. (which is the case with my F/20 scope and ASI174MM) and it does nothing useful when seeing is bad either.
  14. Hi everybody, It's been a while but seeing was good enough the 31st to shoot another large mosaic. Below a summary description on how i came to this result. You can click on the tumbnails too show the full res image. But beware, these are pretty big files. In total 32 SER-files 2500 frames each were recorded. using the CFF 300 f/20 Cassegrain, an ASI 174MM camera and a Baader 685 IR filter. Each file was then processed in Autostakkert! 3. Of each series 10% of frames were stacked with 1.5x drizzle. The stacked images were manually stitched together in Adobe photoshop CC. The resulting image was saved as a TIFF file and processed in Lynkeos3 Here I performed Lucy-Richardson deconvolution. 20 iterations, with a 2pixel radius. Final processing in Adobe Photoshop CC, this included high pass filtering, unsharp masking, cautious noise reduction and levels and curves adjustment. Enjoy the image. Feel free to share your comments. Clear skies, and good health. Wouter.
  15. Splendid image! well worth a look at full res. and for sure not oversharpened. Actually i think it is spot on! Excellent job. Wouter.
  16. Lovely image; large moon mosaics seem to be popular these days... Working on one myself too. Wouter.
  17. Great image, unfortunatley here and there some odd artifacts.. otherwise it would have been superb. now it's just great 😉 Wouter.
  18. nice images. Clavius is indeed an odd isght with just the crater rims catching some sunlight; Wouter.
  19. Yesterday again good conditions for imaging... I'm currently capturing more data than I can process... Below one of the most beautiful regions on the moon. Click thumbnail for full size image. it's a two panel mosaic captured under reasonably good seeing. Enjoy. Clear skies, Wouter.
  20. Below a few images from last night. Seeing was fairly good. Not perfect but certainly not something i'd complain about. Only pity was that clouds rolled in waaaay to soon. But today I expect to be imaging again. Click the thumbnails for full res images. Enjoy and feel free to share your feedback. Posidonius Atlas, Hercules, Burg, Endymion Messier Theophillus, Cyrillus Clear skies, and be safe. Wouter.
  21. Very very very nice. Excellent work. Wouter.
  22. Hi, While being quite proficient with lunar imaging. I never tried imaging one of the planets. Today I finally gave it a try. I took 3000 frames with my CFF CC 300f/20, ASI 174MM and a baader orange filter. Processing in AS!3, Lynkeos and Adobe Photoshop. Seeing the results other achieve with using an UV filter it gets tempting to make an other assault on my banc account 😉 Enjoy, and feel to share your comments. Clear skies, and be safe. Wouter.
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