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Everything posted by wouterdhoye

  1. Lovely tight crescent and a glimpse of earthsine. Well done!
  2. Absolutely stunning image, Neil! Thanks for sharing. Clear skies, Wouter
  3. Thanks John, Have you used it for imaging or visual only? If used for imaging would you like to share some images? Clear skies, Wouter.
  4. Hi, Does anyone here have experience with the in subject mentioned telescope? Especially experience with lunar/planetary imaging would be appreciated. I'm in the market for a grab 'n go telescope that rides nicely on my GP-DX but has better resolution and longer focal length than my current 4" vixen ED. The specs of the 6" Classic Cassegrain fit my bill perfectly, as it should mate perfectly with the QHY462 and it should have enough back focus so that even using a flip mirror and camera combo will match well. And on top of this all it's very reasonably priced. Thanks, Wouter.
  5. Hi, I find it hard to pick one. this one for sure is one i’m quite proud of [URL=https://astrob.in/u60vbf/0/][IMG]https://astrob.in/u60vbf/0/rawthumb/gallery/get.jpg?insecure[/IMG][/URL] or one of my large mosaics [URL=https://astrob.in/itf0o2/C/][IMG]https://astrob.in/itf0o2/C/rawthumb/gallery/get.jpg?insecure[/IMG][/URL] clear skies, Wouter
  6. Hello, Since moving to a new place I can’t really use my CC300 yet, or at least I don’t like to set up and break down that instrument for a quick imaging session. This morning however I could not resist the urge to image the moon. So i set up my small TAK FS60CB in the bedroom and took a short ser through the open bedroom window. I used a ASI 224 MC with just an Luminance filter. No Barlow was used ( so quite undersampled) and the setup was on a small phototripod, so no tracking I was pleasantly surprised with the result clear skies, Wouter.
  7. I'll be receiving a QHY5III462 shortly for my 40th birthday. I'll post images as soon as I can put it to work. Wouter.
  8. Actually, you can try the IR-pass filter with a colour camera. Most colour cameras become sort of mono cameras at IR-wavelengths. See the sensitivity curves of asi 224 or the new asi 462 cameras or their QHY equivalents. Not sure about bigger colour cameras. A colour camera can become a dual purpose camera that way. My avatar is showing my work behind me. was during an exhibit for the 50th anniversary of the first lunar landing. The image shows the full lunar disc and close ups of every Apollo landing sites. Wouter.
  9. I think it’s a lovely image. You probably are not using the most of the resolution possible wit the C11/ASI120 combo. F/20 would be better. Nonetheless there is pretty good detail visible. So raw data must be ok. Regarding processing. I like the tonality of the image with plenty of contrast. Giving enough detail in the ray system of Copernicus. Only very few burnt highlights are visible. I like it 👍
  10. Hi, When using a colour camera one should actually always use a Luminance (UV/IR-cut) filter as UV and IR will mess up white balance too much. If you really want to boost contrast during dusk or dawn a red or IR-pass filter will actually give a more dramatic effect, as it is mostly the UV and blue light scatter that will deteriorate contrast. Downside is that you will be imaging monochromatic then and will not get the mineral colors of the lunar soil. clear skies. Wouter
  11. those are some really wonderful images! thanks for sharing!
  12. an extraordinary image. Thanks for sharing!
  13. Very very nice. Plenty of detail, great tonality and contrast. Love it.
  14. After a too ,long hiatus (sometimes bad weather as well as life itself get in the way of astronomy) I finally can prsent some new work. Luckily on this occasion the seeing was outstanding. or at least well above average for my local conditions. All made with CFF CC300 f/20, ASI 174MM, baader IRpass 685 enjoy the images. Hainzel, Schickard, Schiller https://astrob.in/full/kx1ifw/0/ Copernicus: large 6 panel mosaic https://astrob.in/full/u60vbf/0/ Montes Apenninus, 3 panel mosaic https://astrob.in/full/d5l15o/0/ Clavius https://astrob.in/full/gph8d3/0/ Plato: https://astrob.in/full/miemjj/0/ Reiner Gamma https://astrob.in/full/n38bal/0/ Sinus Iridum https://astrob.in/full/2xlq4l/0/ Pitatus https://astrob.in/full/g826ls/0/ Mare Nubium, 6 panel mosaic https://astrob.in/full/lw9m6b/0/ Philolaus, Anaximenes, Fontenelle, Mare Frigoris, https://astrob.in/full/htn0qs/0/ Pallas, Murchinson, triesnecker https://astrob.in/full/0q2zly/0/ Clear skies, Wouter D’hoye
  15. Update on the project: On the Lunar 100 page all thumbnails are added for features I have a picture of that I deem good enough for the website. If I had no picture I placed a thumbnail of the location map. All maps are created already too. Next steps: 1) create a page for every L100 feature. 2) Add the map and basic data to each page 3) Add image gallery to each page 4) Add detailed description and observations to each page Another project that I hope to add too the website is my own lunar atlas based on LROC Quickmpa data. (still waiting on confirmation that I can publish it though) but below a sample of what the maps will look like (I'm open for suggestions) Thanks for having a look, suggestions or any support and constructive remarks. Wouter www.wouterdhoye.be
  16. Both. Radiation darkens the material. And also subsequent impacts will disturb older ray systems.
  17. That’s an impressive Tycho. 👍 wouter www.wouterdhoye.be
  18. Hi, i can't comment on solar imaging yet. However, for lunar imaging I'm over the moon with my ASI174MM. I work on Mac as you do and the ASI174MM and firecapture work really well. The ASI174MM is properly sampled at about f/20. A bit higher will probably work just fine too. I comfortably use frame rates of 100fps at full res. 8bit regarding filters I use mostly IR685 from baader and a baader orange filter when seeing is good. I have the proplanet 807 too; but rarely use it. You have to crank up gain really high and S/N ratio suffers a bit then. With the TEC140 i doubt you will often need an IR-pass. I'd go for the better transmission and sensitivity in red. Wouter
  19. Hi, First of all a warm thank you for all the nice and supportive comments. I'd like to make a little update. I'm currently working on adding thumbnail pictures to all the L100 features. I hope to have this finished for all objects which I have imaged already. Afterwards I will start building the individual pages. That will start by adding the maps for every object. detailed comments, my own observations and image galleries will follow after that. long story short.. plenty of work ahead. Stay tuned. Wouter. www.wouterdhoye.be
  20. Mark, Thanks for the suggestion. I will look into giving some info on when to observe features. Although it will only be a guideline. something like during waxing gibbous or near first quarter moon...
  21. Hi everybody. It 's the first time I post in this forum. Usually I reside in the imaging forum. But I believe this post is more fitting over here. I am in the process of reworking my website. www.wouterdhoye.be as I am a lunar imager it's dedicated to the moon, and off course will feature many of my own images. But not just the images. (that I have Astrobin for) this site is supposed to become a guide to lunar observing and imaging. A big ephasis will be on the Lunar 100. Some pages are online already and should give an impression what direction I'm heading in. However, as I do not make this site just for myself I'd like to ask some of you to have a look, and tell me what you like, or dislike, what feature you'd like me to add, etc. Thanks for your help people. Wouter.
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