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Everything posted by wouterdhoye

  1. Hi, Below some color moon images. The first is a 6-panel mosaic, made using FLT132 and ASI 224MC. Taken @ f/7 this is a rather low resolution image. Image was combines using Adobe Photoshop Photomerge The other images are parts of the large mosaic I posted earlier. I used the colors of the color full disc image. So these are IR-RGB. Rima Hyginus region: Including also triesnecker and Rimae Triesnecker. Mare fecunditatis: Zith the obligue crater duo Messier. Mare Nectaris: Wit the Crater trio Theophillus, Cyrillus and Catharina. Posidonius, and the rim of Mare Serenitatis. I guess I'm finally getting the hang of colorizing my high res images, with low res color data. Next would tbe to get higher res color data. But that would require an ADC as even in these images some dispersion is creeping in. Enjoy the images. Feel free to share your thoughts. Clear skies, Wouter.
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