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Everything posted by ollypenrice

  1. Lots to enjoy in that one, Dave. The processing has a soft but precise touch. Olly
  2. Very nicely done. I think you may be surprised by how little of the nebula will fit on your four panels! It gets bigger and bigger the deeper you go... Just giving you fair warning!! lly
  3. Given the ease with which the moon and planets can be found, I can't see much benefit from the GoTo. On the doubles, yes, it might be a help. I'm sure you'd be disappointed on DSOs, however. Olly
  4. To back up Dave, above, AstroArt can also correct identified-column defects. You just need to know what column it is on the x axis, plug this in on the third page of 'Preprocessing' and stack as usual. The defects will vanish. I used my CCDs like this for many years so being on the way out is a slow process. What I have never seen, though, is a column defect which varied between filters. If it's caused by dither, you're using a big dither for a CCD. Just identify where the line lies on the x axis and see if it's the same. I think it will be. Olly
  5. Tremendous. I think you've established a connection between the Breaking Wave and the PacMan, something Tom and I failed to do in our original Breaking Wave. I think I'll go back to the linear data if I still have it and process using the modern tools. Olly
  6. I'm afraid I'm tempted to say 'Neither,' but let's begin with your criteria. You've gone for 4 inch aperture and this does make sense for visual observing. Deciding on an aperture, as a first step, though, makes no sense at all for imaging. An experienced imager would think like this: 1) What can my mount support a) in terms of weight and b) in terms of tracking accuracy. Longer focal lengths image at finer image scales and need more accurate tracking. A very good EQ5 can, under autoguiding, run with a tracking error of about 0.5 arcseconds. You might find it's more like 0.8 or 0.9 arcsecs, though. Whatever it is, you need to multiply that by 2 to find your finest useful image scale. So a guide error of 0.5 arcsecs allows an image scale of 1 arcsec per pixel. An error of 0.8" can image at 1.6 arcsecs per pixel, etc. As a beginner I'd want to be imaging at nothing finer than 2 arcsecs per pixel. Try any scope-camera combination in this calculator to see what it gives. https://www.12dstring.me.uk/fovcalc.php 2) What field of view do I want? Shorter focal length = wider field of view. The calculator above will show you what you'll get in a variety of combinations. 3) How fast do I want the system to be? F ratio is a useful indicator if you're careful or if the camera is already chosen. You can also speed a system up by binning your pixels to make them effectively larger. The requirement to do visual and imaging with one rig is a bit of a problem since the requirements are not the same. Keeping a Dob for visual and going for an imaging-priorty Apo gets round the issue. If I were starting out in imaging I'd probably go for this: https://www.firstlightoptics.com/william-optics/william-optics-redcat-51-v1-5-apo-f49.html. Flat field, sharp stars across a large chip, tolerant image scale, fairly fast and good colour correction. Olly
  7. I'll have you know that my PC is not covered against being soused in spat out coffee! I'm already searching for ways in which I can delight my friends with this phrase... lly
  8. This unfamiliarity is the charm, though I wonder if it's to everyone's taste. I once had a guest who was not too pleased with the Heart Nebula he captured here with the dual Tak106. It had way more outlying signal than he was expecting or was used to and I think he wanted a more familiar view. My feeling is the reverse: I love to find what I haven't seen before. Olly
  9. Plenty of resolution in that one. Olly
  10. I don't have many issues with colour, other than blue sometimes being too saturated. The adjustments I need are to brightness and dynamic range. I very often need to subdue the brightest parts of the image and sometimes need to lift the dark stuff up a bit. My monitors are about 12 years old and I use a Datacolour Spider. The problem with this is that I can't increase the screen brightness as much as the spider demands and a friend to whom I lent it said the same. I suppose I should just shell out for a pukka monitor, really, but I'd welcome your input. Olly
  11. Stunning in view of the circumstances. This rig is going to sing. Seen at full size I think it's a little over-sharpened but what the heck? Olly
  12. It's a long way for me, now, but I used to love it. Olly
  13. Since this is part of what I do professionally, I had a good excuse for A3. At least, a good enough excuse to get past my feeble conscience! I use the same. I calibrate the screen using a spider. I do print from Photoshop using ProphotoRGB colourspace. Do I calibrate the printer? Now there's a question! Since my best answer is, 'I don't know,' I suspect that the real answer is 'No.' All advice welcome... Olly
  14. I firmly believe this, but it's easier for me because my colours are more or less right from the stack and rarely need more than ABE or DBE and a bit of SCNR green. I wonder what the uncalibrated image would look like with a big dose of SCNR green because, apart from the blues looking green, the colour looks good. Olly
  15. For me, a £500 budget for a refractor to look through would be second hand without a doubt. I'd want 4 inches minimum and a semi-apo spec. Olly
  16. That's a really interesting one with similar irregularities on the right hand side. Olly
  17. Good capture but I agree with Alan on the colour. Are you absolutely sure you have the right debayer pattern in play? Olly
  18. You've done a great job on the colour, bringing out the bluer, OIII-rich regions and distinguishing them from the more Ha-dominated parts. That's a lovely image. Olly
  19. Lots of very old galaxies there! Nice. Why shoot Ha on this? Most of the galaxies are ellipticals so have no star-forming regions and I'd have thought the spirals would be too small to allow such regions to be resolved at this FL? Did you find it added much? Olly
  20. It's a great result. The sharpening, though hard, didn't offend me and my only thought concerns the colour of the flame, which is rather reddder than in most renditions. My OSC cameras have always given it a kind of yellow-orange colour but I guess this is the filter at work? Olly
  21. I'm going to argue firmly against printing services. Astrophotos are highly stretched and at the extremes of dynamic range. A calibrated screen does not, in my experience, give a predictable print outcome. It may or it may not. With your own printer you can make small test prints and adjust them before running a big one. I bought my own printer after print service disappointments. For photo printing in any quantity only an ink tank printer makes sense. Cartridges are financial madness. So... I use an Epsom ET15000. I'm very, very pleased with it and, as an astrophotographer, I'm a fussy so-and-so. I did wonder whether a 4 ink printer would cut it but, to my eye, it does. I'm also more than happy with the quality of regular photos - macro, landscapes, portraits, etc. I'm a far less observant critic of regular photos than of astrophotos, however. Once you've bought a printer like this, printing costs are trivial. Olly
  22. Lovely job, Dave. Nicely balanced processing which makes me think mine was shouting a bit! lly
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