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Trevor N

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Everything posted by Trevor N

  1. Didn’t think you would get that sort of detail with the planets so low Neil. Brilliant stuff. Trevor
  2. I find the whole thing a bit of a dark art most times Mike. I always think it’s a bit like fishing. I’ve taken what I considered to be good quality files and been disappointed with the processing. I’ve also taken what I thought were poor files and produced something reasonable. I even vary between Registax 6 and 5 ! Its good that people like you share ideas on these sort of forums and hopefully we can all learn. I look forward to hearing how future attempts with the Vixen turn out. Good luck. Trevor
  3. Looks very good so far Mike. Lots of detail there. It’s always a worry at first light. I’ve had a couple of lemons over the years which is a big disappointment. Equally well I’ve jumped to conclusions too quickly and the problem has been a run of bad seeing. You will soon decide which scope to keep after a few sessions. Double speed focusers do seem very expensive for what they are in a similar way to most of the accessories unfortunately
  4. Thanks for the comments. The shadows, detail and seeing are always slightly different
  5. Cheers Mike. I agree. If the seeing is bad just scale things down a bit. There’s always something to image
  6. Nice images Alex. Also prefer the daylight version. Loads of detail there. What kit did you use?
  7. Thanks for the comment. I think the trouble is you always want to do better if you know the scope has produced more detail in the past. It’s still good fun though and keeps me amused !
  8. Lovely to be out there imaging following sunset on the 15th in the warm summer air BUT the seeing was rubbish as several others have noted. This is the best I could pull together using a x2 barlow on an ED100. The smaller craterlets are not there but its a record and there's nothing any of us can do about the atmosphere. Visually, at low power, it was a great sight
  9. That's really good Neil. I've never considered imaging before sunset but its obviously worth doing if you can get results like this. I tried the day before when the moon was getting low in the West after sunset and the seeing was rubbish. I think you've got your £30 back with one shot ! Trevor
  10. The seeing didn't allow any magnified images so decided to stitch together seven panes taken at Prime Focus on an ED100
  11. Excellent shot. Loads of detail
  12. Nice shots as usual Mike. Always worth revisiting the data. I have a bad habit of wanting to do the processing too quickly. Small adjustments to a workflow seem to have a marked effect sometimes look forward to seeing what you can do with the Vixen !
  13. Thanks Neil. It’s probably the lowest elevation I’ve ever imaged at so pleased to get anything useful.
  14. Decided to just observe tonight's crescent moon very low in the Western sky with an ED100 on a Sky-tee mount. Surprisingly steady view, so couldn't resist taking a quick image. This is a mosaic of seven shots taken using hand guiding on the mount.I don't think any image can get the brightness and contrast that you can see visually but its a fair representation of what could be seen at 60 x
  15. Cloud dodging today but nice prom to be seen. Modded PST
  16. Lots of detail there. Just goes to show you don’t need massive scopes to get good results. Well done
  17. Not a chance up here in the next county Neil. Thick cloud throughout. You did well considering the weather and challenges of the gear being used 👍
  18. You did well. Nice image. Cloud throughout here
  19. Very sharp images. Like several others, the cloud left here just as the eclipse finished 🙁
  20. Manged to beat the clouds this morning. A couple of active areas and some nice proms. Taken with modded PST on an ED100
  21. Better seeing on the 2nd. All images with the business end of a PST on a 100mm refractor. The largest prom was quite special. I had hopes of a video sequence but high level cloud rolled in toward the end of the session
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