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Matt Scunthorpe

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  1. Id expect most users to be in the main sequence
  2. Love this pic, looks like its taken from obit!
  3. Have you tried posting in the beginners help and advice section, there will be plenty of help in there. Matt.
  4. They are stars that are with a magnitude 1.5 to 2 lower than main sequence stars of the same spectral type. (yes I took that from wikipeda) Matt.
  5. Ive noticed some peoples user rank is a custom one, I take it you can change this somewhere in the settings? Matt.
  6. Ahh I see. Ive seen the 'Beyond the Event Horizon' before. Thanks. Matt.
  7. I think its just new members and advance members when you hit a particular number. Not sure what the purpose is. Matt.
  8. Ive finally upgraded from Sub Dwarf to a Brown Dwarf, I'm relieved to a fully fledged Dwarf now, but I'm still not convinced I want to be a Dwarf.. But I have a few 1000 posts to write before I become fully grown. Matt.
  9. Matt Scunthorpe


  10. Blimey thats amazing! Manually tracked too!
  11. Matt Scunthorpe

    My Gear

  12. I thought i was the only one who forgot to set it to raw all the time lol. Really nice image though, will have to try this myself
  13. Thats look brilliant. Id be well happy if i took anything like that
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