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Everything posted by wookie1965

  1. Through my own scopes from home M51 is my nemesis even having the 10" dob now I have not got it.
  2. I have caught it once when I had my 5" refractor I had to move Sirius just out of the FOV to spy it.
  3. My family is rife with arthritis and I have a condition called Idiopathic Intracranial hypotension I have had 17 lumber punctures to release the pressure from the cervical spinal fluid so I dont go blind and to help with the headaches, I blame these for my damaged discs I could be wrong. I have always done manual labour just before I got diagnosed with IIH I had put myself through electrical installation and got my 17th edition and started working in the industry no more heavy lifting but that was scuppered. Paul
  4. wookie1965

    New member

    A warm welcome to SGL
  5. Thank you Keith The Oxycontin takes the edge off I dont want to take more I dont want to be out of it all day. Gerry I have 3 collapsed discs the pain clinic want me to have the epidurals rather than surgery but I have had one already and it never touched it. I cannot stand to have a shave my feet go numb and pain in my back is excruciating. If I knew the op would take the pain away I would push for it but the doctor has said they can fuse the discs which will give me less movement but the pain is from damaged nerves because they have been pressed on too long. It did take them 3 years before the first epidural because of covid so I am stuck. My right hip has a narrowing of the channel the nerves go through still waiting to see the orthopaedic doctor for that. Had first op on shoulder doc said it was a mess in there and I would need another one 18 months later I was in again her explained he has took as much bone as he could but it would come back again it has. My elbow I had numbness in my hand started when riding my bike I just thought it was because of that but got worse, doctor said I would have a 2_3" incision no more like a six inch said they scored the channel wear the ulna nerve goes through. That didn't last long so had another op said they were going to put the ulna nerve under the muscles that was better but now my other elbow has started. So as of now I dont know what is going to happen. Thank you for the encouragement really appreciate it. Paul
  6. The others I get by with taking oxycontin but my thumb is really hurting. I am waiting for a epidural injection for my spine. I am trying not to have anymore ops if I can.
  7. Ohh I have it in my spine my shoulders elbows knees and hip had two ops on shoulder and two on elbow. I didn't expect to get it in my hands or fingers it's so painful.
  8. Thumb been giving me jip for a couple of months managed to get in docs. Sent me for a xray then called me in severe arthritis in it recommended this for a week or two try and settle it down. [removed word] off to say the least.
  9. Nice UOVT 12.5mm from Steve (Saganite) cannot wait to try it.
  10. If I could collimate my laser Its not far off it would make life easier with the 10". I have a cap and a Cheshire/sight-tube and just got a 1.25" Concentre Has anyone tried one of these.
  11. That`s a shame I have a 10" dob now, its the weather that puts me off going all that way and not get a clear night although I would love to catch up and meet other astronomers.
  12. I have a TV 11mm it's one of my goto eyepieces so clear and bright.
  13. wookie1965


    A warm welcome to SGL
  14. wookie1965


    A warm welcome to SGL
  15. Did you get any clear nights with your scope I saw a couple of pictures of the aurora.
  16. Make a dew shield dead easy get a couple of files from poundland take the black plastic off then cut to shape out. Strong double sided tape and bobs your uncle.
  17. Just my two pennorth I have just bought a 10" dob it had a red dot finder I have now taken that off and put a Telrad on with a riser for better position. You would have to be careful with a laser so it doesn't interfere with aircraft.
  18. That makes more sense thank you easy to follow guide.
  19. If you have a laser collimator put a piece of paper over the front, now check where the dot lands without the diagonal spin 180° check again then do the same with the diagonal you will see if they are out. With my Tal obviously different to a ED I loosened the retaining ring then slapped hard on the cell all the way round that seemed to get the crown and flint aligned whether you can do that I am not sure. Paul
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