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Everything posted by garryblueboy

  1. An extra Counterweight courtesy of a SGL member
  2. Perhaps a solution is to Vet the adds and remove any that are collection only and advise the posters of this and only allow for items that can be posted at this time due to the crisis
  3. Several good nights out this last week or two managed first light with a couple of new scopes as well as evaluate some others
  4. There is another 9.5 kg weight that goes on not shown
  5. I think so it’s quick Comfertable and stows away flat
  6. Skywatcher have a dedicated GPS module as far as I can recall no other ones work
  7. It’s from the first run it’s an air spaced as well as far as I can tell it’s F8 but it’s possible it was one of the F8.3 marked as F8
  8. I have a similar chair made by Geoptic they are very good and as you say quick to change the height
  9. Tried out both these last night and very pleased with the results
  10. Jeromy We could have a thread of Taks in the sun Here is my TOA150 waiting for first light
  11. The extra ° of the Ethos is nice but the Delos as an all rounder is a great compromise I also love the the Panoptics especially in a Dob the 35mm is great spent several hours last night at the eyepiece just wandering around I would love to replace myriads with the Ethos but cost wise even secondhand is not really cost effective
  12. I have the 9mm 20mm Myriad and 13mm Ethos I do find the Ethos a bit crisper than the Myriads
  13. Well at long last a clear night and chance to get first light with my Newley acquired David Lukehurst ultra 2 Dob with Oldham optics I have to say I’m so impressed it’s been in my conservatory for a few weeks just assembled not collimated waiting for this night . set up is nice and easy task taking the mirror box truss tubes and upper assemblies out in one go then rocker box then on to collimation and wow this is by far the easiest Dob I’ve ever had to collimate 2 mins for both secondary and primary and spot on now to await the dark not before a majestic look at Venus and probably one of the nicest views I’ve had not to much detail but beautiful crescent spent rather a while at the eyepiece as it got darker I moved onto Orion M42 looking good as always resolving the 4 main core and usual outer stars and nice nebulous clouds trailing out quite far then on to betelgeuse good to see her coming back from her holiday . Both the Pleiades and beehive looked as amazing as did Uranus before it dipped to low behind next doors house before I knew it it was time to pack up I can’t remember having so much fun with a Dob in a long time didn’t mater what eyepiece I used 40mm Maxivision 35mm Panoptic to 19mm Panoptic balance was perfect and precise I can’t wait to try this out at some dark sites I’m sure it’s going to give so much more
  14. Not really as if it’s a lemon you take it back that’s why you buy new and pay 100% of the the new price also I know a couple people who have brought Televue scopes and they were sent back to be re collimated
  15. Just think without secondhand you would be out on the street and poor 😂🤣😂
  16. A big 👍for the used adds where would we be with out them
  17. I’d say 14 ” inch is the sweet spot as just light enough to be portable but big enough to show good results the Sumerian Ultra I had was 14 but the scope was to flimsy to hold collimation where as the David Lukehurst is nice and sturdy but still portable
  18. Perhaps I should have quoted this it wasn’t directed personally
  19. If like me they buy and sell to try out what’s best and suits circumstances but am not a trader there are many on here that regular post like this
  20. I’m not sure he’s not available as I know several people who are having work done privately by him
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