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Mark at Beaufort

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Everything posted by Mark at Beaufort

  1. Just checked my Sky and Telescope website calculator which states - GRS - transits at 10.17 BST Io's shadow begins at 10.18 BST and ends at 0.34 BST tomorrow All we need is a clear sky - partly cloudy at present
  2. Yes Michael we were looking forward to seeing and hearing your talk. We appreciate your reasons and hope that everything is now okay.
  3. Really enjoyed reading Steve's website. I still have a mint copy of the 1973 Fullerscopes Catalogue - its interesting to go back and compare todays scopes with those of the early 1970s
  4. John you really make some wonderful modifications to your scopes. The more I read about the Bresser Mak/Cass the more I want one.
  5. Thanks for that John. I assume that the quality of the star diagonal is not that great so an upgrade would be a good idea. Because the OTA has a SCT screw I would guess that a diagonal with a SCT screw would be safer. It seems that all SCT diagonals are 2" with a 1.25" adapter. I wonder whether you can use 2" EPs without vignetting?
  6. @johninderby- John have you undertaken an observing session with your Bresser MC-127 Mak/Cass. I really fancy a light weight Mak/Cass and the Bresser seems a slightly better choice than the Skywatcher Skymax 127.
  7. Had some cloud until 9.40pm then it went clear. Used the 12" Dob with 13mm, 10mm and 7mm EPs. Seeing not the best with lots of movement but the GRS and the Shadow very clear on occasions. Still not dark enough to see GC although Jupiter may be too bright to pick it up. Sat out in shorts and T. Shirt and will take in a few DSOs whilst we have a clear period. I believe astro darkness returns tomorrow in Hereford.
  8. Just viewed the Sun with the PST + DS. I can see some small Plage which appears to be the same area. Hopefully, the area will grow.
  9. Just a quick heads up. The GRS should transit tonight at 21.30pm. Io's shadow should start at 20.24 and ends at 22.38 all BST. I am also mentioning this because NGC 6235 should be in the FOV as well. A GC although not the normal appearance of a GC but at mag 10.1 should be visible with Jupiter. Worth a go if it stays clear.
  10. Well done Paul some good photos and something worthwhile to remember in the future. I viewed to about 2.30am when we had thin cloud cover. Went inside to rest for a while and woke up with the Sun up - so missed the timing.
  11. Ron mine was the 7th June one of the hottest days of the year. I can't match the 24" TV but it is something I will never forget even though the TV was small and not that good.
  12. Paul thanks for starting this thread. The weather forecast for 3.56 BST seems reasonable. What I have done is to use the Moon Virtual Atlas set for 3.56 BST and used the image for a Newtonian - see attached. Red dot in the middle. I sat up all night watching on a 12" KB TV - I had been married just 6 weeks. Pam (wife) joined me when Neil climbed down the ladder.
  13. I just found a link to a new?? range of 100 degree EPs. They appear to be 5mm, 10mm, 15mm and 21mm. I don't think I have seen them before but I may have missed the launch - https://www.apm-telescopes.de/en/eyepieces/more-74-ultra-wide-angle/other/ts-swa-100-ultra-series-5-mm-1.25-xtreme-wide-angle-eyepiece.html?info=277125 Has anyone bought one or seen a review?
  14. Great image Charl - nice and clear in Hereford
  15. A nice view in Hereford. Started with 15x70 Apollo Binos and then switched to Heritage 130P with a 10mm and 7mm EPs. Its good to try and study the available craters on view especially Tycho.
  16. This is a great grab and go reflector but its difficult to use on a standard saddle because the RDF and eyepiece is not in a great position. I have resolved this problem by adding another dovetail which places both items in a more reasonable observing position. I purchased a medium dovetail from FLO - https://www.firstlightoptics.com/dovetails-saddles-clamps/astro-essentials-dovetail-bars.html and screwed it into position. Perfect. The photos show the upright position of the OTA together with the position of the original dovetail.
  17. Fantastic image - you really produce some wonderful photos.
  18. I have a Lumicon UHC and an Astronomics O-III. If you don't want to spend too much and want an O-III that does make a difference I would recommend this Castell filter from 365 Astronomy. I have the 2" version which gives me great views of the Veil in my 12" Dob. https://www.365astronomy.com/Castell-OIII-Deepsky-Filter-for-1.25-Inch-Eyepieces.html
  19. Lovely to see you and chat again John. Months of hard work setting up the conference- great to see so many people enjoying astronomy. I even got Pam (wife) to visit and check what I have been up to.
  20. I leave my EPs in their storage case until required. If they mist over I use a 12v hair dryer bought from Amazon
  21. Looking good Stu. I enjoy viewing Clavius and you have Blancanus and Newton in the shadows - very good.
  22. I made an error selling my OO 6" f/8 1/10th wave Newtonian. It was a wonderful scope on the Moon and Planets.
  23. Yes Ade great to see again. I can recommend a nice pub at Bradford on Avon not too far to travel on your way back 😉
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