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Mark at Beaufort

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Everything posted by Mark at Beaufort

  1. I bought my first telescope in 1965 (60mm frac) then a few years later a 6" f/8 Newt. By the time my first Son was born (1974) I lost interest and never returned to the hobby until I bought a 5" Celestron Nexstar SCT in 1999. Becoming a member of SGL in 2008 really got me going - I had the time because I retired in 2005. I have periods of frustration which is weather related but I have my monthly Herefordshire Astro meetings which are good fun because you meet many like minded friends. Recently I enjoyed observing the Mercury Transit and then going over to the IAS. So as long as I have some observing per month - including observing the Sun in Ha I am just about copping.
  2. Thanks Carole - I have referred it downstairs for discussion.
  3. I just read what I stated a few hours ago. Why did I say Ha when I meant Herschel Wedge??? I have amended my totally incorrect statement so can I start again.
  4. This is a wonderful proposal and FLO/IKI need a great thank you from the astro community (especially for SGL members) for this brilliant decision. I enjoyed the detail information that Grant gave me on Saturday about this scope. I am looking forward to seeing objects taken at a lower latitude than the UK.
  5. I am wondering whether anyone has used this scope with a Lunt Herschel Wedge Diagonal. Seeing a number of comments and videos it appears that the focuser has a short travelling distance and there might be problems with inward focusing. Looking at the scope - to use 1.25" EPs or Diagonals then an adapter is required and I assume that adapter would need to be low profile. When I had a Lunt 1.25" Herschel Wedge Diagonal in the past I could not get enough inward travel to gain focus on a TeleVue Pronto OTA - so hence my question. Look forward to any comments and if you did gain focus then details of a 1.25" low profile adapter would be appreciated.
  6. Well done Chris a very enjoyable video covering the whole show. Good to meet you and chat at last.
  7. It would be really nice to see you again Ron and have a chat.
  8. Really enjoyable show.I was fortunate because I had moored my canal boat at Braunston Marina (home base) and then it was just a 15/20 minute drive to the show. I need to thank @Helen - wonderful welsh cakes - Pam really enjoyed them as well. Meet so many friends which I knew from the SGL star parties plus @Lockie who was doing a video. So good to be able to walk around without being crushed. The displays were brilliant and the scopes and mounts at FLO were mouth watering.
  9. I know it's a bit late but I am on my canal boat and just got a WiFi signal. I set up my PST on the towpath not far from napton junction. I used a 17 and 10mm celestron DUO ep. Saw 1st and 2nd contact. Then cloud and watched again about 3pm. Great to watch another transit
  10. Here you are Dave - https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Black_drop_effect
  11. Nigella I would be surprised if you could see Mercury before first contact. I have seen two Venus Transits using White Light and Ha and only saw the Planet once it started its transit.
  12. I can see that the Jessops filter states 'solar eclipse' so I assume its a 'Cokin' type filter to use on a camera. I also assume that the 'round' black object is a cap to place on the front of the 6" scope with the filter attached? I took numeous photos with a f/10 scope - the DSLR will be set to manual mode - set the ISO to 100 and start taking photos at 1/100 and then bracket from 1/50 to 1/200. Set the camera to RAW. Just a thought if its sunny today do a test run with exposures You can find the Sun by looking at the shadow created by the scope. Whatever you do DON'T USE THE OUTSIDE SIDE OF THE FRAC AS A SIGHT TO LINE UP THE SUN.
  13. I am about to load up my PST + Alt/Az mount to put on my canal boat. On Monday lunchtime I should be between Braunston and Napton on the Hill - so at 3mph I can't chase the Sun. Must have a look at @Stu- Meteoblue.
  14. Not a problem John. By the way I should have said welcome to SGL. I have also edited your post and included your original photo with address covered up. The modified photo is thanks to @teoria_del_big_bang
  15. Very well said. The forum contents can be seen by anyone so the photo should have the address covered up. @John NoddingI would recommend that you edit your original photo and remove your personal details.
  16. John I have never seen this before - very interesting. Although I have a 12", 6" and 5" Newt I still fancy a 4" APO again.
  17. Lovely photo Stu although I cannot see a beer or wine in your picture!!! - been drizzle here most of the day so no chance. Perhaps the next star party should be somewhere warm, sunny and clear.
  18. Rob I thought showing this photo of a SkyTee 2 mount might be better than writing a statement.
  19. Rob I had the original SkyTee 1 mount which is the same as your HDAZ. I bought it about 10/11 years ago and eventually changed to the SkyTee 2 mount because I wanted slow motion controls. The mount always needed the OTA to be balanced well and the following photos show some of the scopes I used. The different photos show 1. WO 66 + 102 APO, 2. 102 APO + Towa f/13, 3. Meade 150mm Achro and finally the 90mm Towa
  20. Its a real shame but Herefordshire has experienced the worst flooding in 20 years. To give you an idea here are two photos showing Hereford yesterday. The height of the river at the old bridge was 5.5 metres. I have never known this bridge closed but the Police and Council were worried about its safety and close it to vehicles and pedestrians. If anyone wants one of these photos to use as evidence when making an insurance claim then let me know.
  21. Francis really great astro photos. You certainly have a talent. Hopefully, I will see you next weekend.
  22. Charl - as you have shown a nice Prom - well worth the look.
  23. Thanks for the 'heads up' - I will take out the PST +DS and have a look.
  24. An enjoyable read as always Nick - some great objects. My local astro society had an observing evening last night in Fownhope just down the road from Lucksall. Lovely clear night with good transparency. Look forward to seeing you again at Lucksall at the end of next week together with your talk.
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