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Mark at Beaufort

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Everything posted by Mark at Beaufort

  1. Great book Jeremy. Bought it years ago but took it away a few weeks ago on a trip to Hayling Island.
  2. I agree Paul - despite what is said I often view the Moon around Full. I use this website to cross reference features - https://svs.gsfc.nasa.gov/4459 - I appreciate this is for my reflector but other versions are available.
  3. Gus I hope it works for you. I use a cassette washing line which extends across the whole garden. I use 6 black ground sheets and clip them using the eye lets. I use mine to shield lights from the house.
  4. Stu I wanted a challenge the night before last with the Full Moon virtually sat on top of Psi 1,2 and 3. With the Apollo 15x70 I could just about star hop to Phi Aqu but could not see Neptune. However, with the Heritage 130 starting with a ES68 24mm and then my TeleVue 8-24 zoom + Baader 2.25x I could see Neptune. I was really quite pleased with that especially with the Full Moon.
  5. @Don Pensackthat is an incredible amount of information - it must have taken ages to complete. Brilliant. I only use my 100 degree EPs in my 12" Dob - easy to keep DSO in the FOV. Hopefully, this data base will be seen my more members - thanks again
  6. Dave I was not aware of this Comet so thanks for the photo - it is faint. I note from https://cometchasing.skyhound.com/ that it will reach mag 8.8 by the end of the month. Once the Moon is out of the way I will give it a go in the 12" Dob. I have just updated Stellarium so it now includes this Comet.
  7. Really pleased that @paulastrostarted this thread. I was successful last night with the 12" Dob. I used various EPs to obtain greater magnification. Lovely colours
  8. I have the 12" Dob out at the moment just hoping that it remains clear. There is some cloud around so fingers crossed.
  9. Not that I saw it last night but I always find the 3 stars Psi 1,2 and 3 the best way to find Phi Aquarius
  10. Totally clouded out last night. Forecast for tonight looks (hopefully) better - will try again. Neptune still reasonable close to Phi.
  11. Totally cloudy in Hereford at the moment - can't even see the Moon. I will wait and see if it clears and grab the Heritage 130P. If I use the 7mm EP + 2.25x barlow I might split Neptune from Phi.
  12. I saw Francis tonight and explained the arrangements. All cars must be registered with Lucksall Reception to get through the barrier. In addition it is essential to park away from the main observing field to avoid turning on headlights when leaving.
  13. I have never used a Skywatcher Achromatic and I am wondering the effect of stopping down to gain a higher f number. The Skywatcher Evo Star 120 OTA has a focal length of 1000mm making it f/8.33. If it's stopped down to 80mm is becomes f/12.5 although the focal length remains 1000mm so magnification does not change. Has anyone tried this procedure and does it improve contrast of brighter objects like Jupiter/Saturn and Moon etc.
  14. The Sun is shining so I thought I would check out AR2748 using the PST. There are a few Proms around but no sunspot. I added the Double Stack and there is a Plage where the Sunspot should be located - so some activity is still taking place. There are some small filaments as well.
  15. Brilliant Paul - its great to observe the Moon in the morning at the end of its cycle.
  16. Enjoyable read John and a very useful chart. I was also out last night with the 12" Dob mainly to observe DSOs in Draco. However, I did have a session on the Veil as well using my 20mm Myraid and O-III Castell. Had a fair bit of moisture in the air last night so transparency could have been better but it was an enjoyable session.
  17. @Sky-searcherexcellent modifications really looks good. @pregullathanks so much for your comments and suggestions. I have now changed the scale to the corrent positions. In addition I have made a pointer which is secured to the bottom with the pointer on the top as you suggested. I have tested the system by viewing the Moon and Sun using the Alt/Az co-ordinates from Stellarium - it works
  18. Yes I know so to some extent they are not that useful. It just gives me an idea of the general direction.
  19. Great report Nick. I set up the scope early evening after a cloudless day. Unfortunately by 10pm the sky was mostly cloudy.
  20. Tim well done picking up M7 in the UK. I have only seen M6 and M7 from Spain and California. It took me ages to see M69 and M70 in the UK and that was only once. I am going away next weekend to the South Coast with a Southern Horizon looking out towards the sea. Here is hoping for clear skies and a horizon.
  21. Rob's comment above regarding a observing hood is good advice. Many members on SGL bought this quality observing hood from this company in Russia. I use it whilst solar observing, binocular viewing and DSO hunting especially those objects that are faint. https://r-sky.org/en/products/observing-hood
  22. Great observing report. As regards NGC 604 have a look at the attached report. If you look at the photo you will see a bright triangle of stars on the left hand side of the photo. The two top stars point directly to NGC 604. M33-Whitman.pdf
  23. I went out about 10.30am with the aim of observing the Sun in Ha. The Moon looked fantastic so I took out the Heritage 130P instead. Starting with Grimaldi and moving up to Cruger and Sirsalis and then Byrgius the views were sharp and brilliant. Looking toward the edge you could pick mountain ranges. If you fancy viewing the Moon have a quick observing session now - well worth it.
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